Scale Page (Properties Dialog Box)

Use this page of the Properties dialog box to configure the scale of a numeric object with a scale.

This page includes the following components:

Note Some of the components in this list do not apply to all objects.
Option Description
Scale Style

Style of the marks on the scale.

  • Scale Style

    Style of the marks on the scale.

  • Major tick color

    Color of the tick mark.

    You also can use the Tick Color property to set the color programmatically.
  • Minor tick color

    Color of the minor tick mark.

    You also can use the Tick Colors:Minor Tick Color property to set the color programmatically.
  • Marker text

    Color of the scale marker text. You also can use the Marker Colors:Text Color property to set the text color programmatically.

  • Inverted

    Reverses the positions of the minimum and maximum values on the scale. You also can use the Flipped property to invert the scale values programmatically.

  • Logarithmic

    Maps the scale logarithmically. Remove the checkmark from this checkbox to map the scale linearly. You also can use the Mapping Mode property to set scale mapping programmatically.

  • Show color ramp

    Displays the color ramp for the scale. This option is available for knobs, dials, gauges, and meters.

    • Interpolate color

      Blends between colors in the ramp.

Scale Range Range of the scale.
  • Minimum

    Minimum value of the scale. You also can use the Range:Minimum property to set the minimum value allowed in the range.

  • Maximum

    Maximum value of the scale. You also can use the Range:Maximum property to set the maximum value allowed in the range.