Plots Page (Properties Dialog Box)

Use this page of the Properties dialog box to configure the appearance of plots on a graph or chart, such as a waveform chart, XY graph, or feather plot.

This page includes the following components:

Note Some of the components in this list do not apply to all objects.
Option Description

Sets the plot you want to configure.


Name of the plot.

You also can use the Plot Name property to name the plot programmatically.
Line Style

Line style of the plot.

This option is not available for digital waveform graphs. You also can use the Line Style property to set the line style programmatically.
Line Width

Line width of the plot.

This option is not available for digital waveform graphs. You also can use the Line Width property to set the width programmatically.
Point Style

Point style of the plot.

This option is not available for digital waveform graphs. You also can use the Point Style property to set the style programmatically.
Plot Interpolation

Interpolation of the plot.

This option is not available for digital waveform graphs. You also can use the Plot Interpolation property to specify the interpolation programmatically.
Colors Color and style of the plot line. Select from the following options:
  • Line

    Color of the plot line.

    You also can use the Plot Color property to set the color programmatically.
  • Point/fill

    Color of the point and fills.

    This option is not available for digital waveform graphs. You also can use the Fill/Point Color property to set the color programmatically.
  • Fill to

    Sets the baseline of the fill.

    This option is not available for digital waveform graphs. You also can use the Fill To property to set the baseline programmatically.

Sets the y-scale to associate with the plot.

This option is not available for digital waveform graphs.

Sets the x-scale to associate with the plot.

Do not use waveform names for plot names

Configures the plot names in the plot legend so they do not adapt to the plot names in the dynamic or waveform data components. Remove the checkmark from this checkbox to configure the plot names to automatically adapt to the dynamic or waveform data components.

Place a checkmark in this checkbox if you want to enter a plot name in the Name field or change the plot name programmatically. This checkbox is available only for graphs and charts with dynamic or waveform data.
Compass Select from the following components to specify the appearance of the 2D Compass graph. This option is available only for 2D Compass graphs.
  • Size

    Sets the arrow size for the compass. You also can use the Plot Specific:Compass Size property to set the arrow size programmatically.

  • Color

    Color of the plot line.

  • Show phase scale

    Shows the phase scale around the plot area.

Feather Select from the following components to specify the appearance of the Feather graph. This option is available only for 2D Feather graphs.
  • Size

    Sets the arrow size for the compass. You also can use the Plot Specific:Feather Size property to set the arrow size programmatically.

  • Color

    Shows the color of the plot.

Error Bar Select from the following components to specify the appearance of the 2D Error Bar graph. This option is available only for 2D Error Bar graphs.
  • Errorbar Line Style

    Specifies line style (0-4), as shown on the shortcut menu from top-left to bottom-right. You also can use the Plot Specific:Error Bar Line Style property to set the line style programmatically.

  • Error Bar Line Width

    Sets the width of the plot (0-5). You also can use the Plot Specific:Error Bar Line Width property to set the line width programmatically.

  • Error Bar Point Style

    Point style of the plot.

  • Error Bar Interpolation

    Interpolation of the plot.

  • Line Color

    Color of the plot line.

  • Point/fill color

    Color of the point and fills.

  • Fill to

    Sets the baseline of the fill.

Error Marker Select from the following components to specify the appearance of the error marker. This option is available only for 2D Error Bar graphs.
  • Marker Line Style

    Specifies the error marker line style, as shown on the shortcut menu from top-left to bottom-right. You also can use the Plot Specific:Marker Line Style property to set the line style programmatically.

  • Marker Line Width

    Sets the width of the error marker. You also can use the Plot Specific:Marker Line Width property to set the line width programmatically.

  • Marker Color

    Sets the color of the error bar line. You also can use the Plot Specific:Marker Line Color property to set the line color programmatically.

  • Size

    Sets the symbol size for the error bar. You also can use the Plot Specific:Error Bar Size property to set the symbol size programmatically.

  • Error Mode

    Sets whether the error bar displays on the Y axis only or on both X and Y axes. You also can use the Plot Specific:Error Bar Mode property to set the mode programmatically.