Key Navigation Page (Properties Dialog Box)

Use this page of the Properties dialog box to set keyboard shortcuts for controls.

This page includes the following components:

Note Some of the components in this list do not apply to all objects or do not display when you select multiple objects.
Option Description

Assigns a shortcut key to navigate to this control.

Valid key names include <Clear>, <Delete>, <End>, <Escape>, <Home>, <Insert>, <Mute>, <PageUp>, <PageDown>, <Play>, <Return>, <VolumeUp>, <VolumeDown>, and function keys <F1> to <F24>.
Note Some keyboards and platforms may not support the <Clear>, <End>, <Home>, <Mute>, <PageUp>, <PageDown>, <Play>, <VolumeUp>, <VolumeDown>, and function keys <F13> to <F24>. (OS X) Keyboard shortcuts for the function keys work only if the function keys are not assigned as shortcut keys for Exposé. LabVIEW does not support <VolumeUp>, <VolumeDown>, and function keys <F15> to <F24> as shortcut keys on OS X.
  • Shift key

    Selects the <Shift> key as a modifier key to the key assignment.

  • Control key

    Selects the <Ctrl> key as a modifier key to the key assignment.


Assigns a shortcut key to increment this control.

Valid key names include <Clear>, <Delete>, <End>, <Escape>, <Home>, <Insert>, <Mute>, <Page Up>, <Page Down>, <Play>, <Return>, <Volume Up>, <Volume Down>, and function keys <F1> to <F24>.
Note (OS X) Keyboard shortcuts for the function keys work only if the function keys are not assigned as shortcut keys for Exposé. LabVIEW does not support <VolumeUp>, <VolumeDown>, and function keys <F15> to <F24> as shortcut keys on OS X.
  • Shift key

    Selects the <Shift> key as a modifier key to the key assignment.

  • Control key

    Selects the <Ctrl> key as a modifier key to the key assignment.

  • Set to focus on increment

    Causes the Increment key assignment to navigate to this control.


Assigns a shortcut key to decrement this control.

Valid key names include <Clear>, <Delete>, <End>, <Escape>, <Home>, <Insert>, <Mute>, <Page Up>, <Page Down>, <Play>, <Return>, <Volume Up>, <Volume Down>, and function keys <F1> to <F24>.
Note (OS X) Keyboard shortcuts for the function keys work only if the function keys are not assigned as shortcut keys for Exposé. LabVIEW does not support <VolumeUp>, <VolumeDown>, and function keys <F15> to <F24> as shortcut keys on OS X.
  • Shift key

    Selects the <Shift> key as a modifier key to the key assignment.

  • Control key

    Selects the <Ctrl> key as a modifier key to the key assignment.

  • Set to focus on decrement

    Causes the Decrement key assignment to navigate to this control.


Assigns a shortcut key to toggle this control.

Valid key names include <Clear>, <Delete>, <End>, <Escape>, <Home>, <Insert>, <Mute>, <PageUp>, <PageDown>, <Play>, <Enter>, <VolumeUp>, <VolumeDown>, and function keys <F1> to <F24>.
Note (OS X) Keyboard shortcuts for the function keys work only if the function keys are not assigned as shortcut keys for Exposé. LabVIEW does not support <VolumeUp>, <VolumeDown>, and function keys <F15> to <F24> as shortcut keys on OS X.
  • Shift key

    Selects the <Shift> key as a modifier key to the key assignment.

  • Control key

    Selects the <Ctrl> key as a modifier key to the key assignment.

  • Set to focus on toggle

    Causes the Toggle key assignment to navigate to this control.

Existing Bindings

Lists the key assignments already in use. If you select a key combination already in this listbox, LabVIEW assigns that key combination to the current control and deletes the previous key assignment.

Tab Behavior Controls the behavior of the <Tab> key when you navigate to this control.
  • Skip this control when tabbing

    Causes the key focus to skip over this control when you use the <Tab> key.

    Note LabVIEW skips hidden controls when you tab through a front panel. You do not need to place a checkmark in this checkbox for hidden controls.
  • Tabbing Into Contents

    Controls the behavior of the <Tab> key when you navigate to this control.

    • Tabbing moves into contents

      Only valid for a tab control, causes the key focus to rotate through the contents of the tab control using the <Tab> key.

    • Tabbing skips over contents

      Only valid for a tab control, causes the tab control to be handled as a single entity as you move the key focus using the <Tab> key. Controls within the tab control are skipped over. Use the focus into <Ctrl-Down> and focus out of <Ctrl-Up> keys to navigate into and out of the tab control.

Built-In Mouse Wheel Support

Specifies when a control responds to movements of the mouse wheel.

  • None—Specifies that a control does not respond to movement of the mouse wheel. Select this option to override built-in mouse wheel behavior and replace it with programmed behavior. For example, you can register a mouse wheel event for a 2D picture control to configure the control to zoom in or out instead of pan. To register a mouse wheel event for a control, right click an Event Structure and select Edit Events Handled by This Case to display the Edit Events dialog box.
  • On Hover—Specifies that a control responds to the mouse wheel when you hover the cursor over the control.
  • On Key Focus—(Windows) Specifies that a control responds to the mouse wheel when the control has key focus. This option is enabled by default for controls that change values, such as numeric, ring, and enumerated type controls.
  • On Hover or Key Focus—Specifies that a control responds to the mouse wheel when you either hover the cursor over the control or the control has key focus. This option is enabled by default for controls that do not change values, such as listboxes, strings, and paths.
    Note You only can use the key focus functionality on Windows operating systems.