Display Format Page (Properties Dialog Box)

Use this page of the Properties dialog box to set the display format for numeric objects or outputs.

This page includes the following components:

Note Some of the components in this list do not apply to all objects.
Option Description

Displays the type of object you are configuring. If you select multiple front panel controls, this option lists the type of object. Select a type from the list to configure all objects of that type for the controls you select.

  • Editing mode

    Sets whether to edit the format and precision using the default view of the page or using format codes. Format codes, also known as format specifiers or percent codes, specify how you want LabVIEW to display numbers. You can select the Editing mode in the lower left section of this page.

    • Default editing mode—Select this option from the lower left section of the page if you want to edit the format and precision with the default editing options.
      • Type

        Select from the following components to specify the type of the numeric object.

        • Floating point—Displays the numeric object in floating-point notation.
        • Scientific—Displays the numeric object in scientific notation. For example, 60 in floating-point notation equals 6E+1 in scientific, where E represents the power of 10 exponent.
        • Automatic formatting—Displays the numeric object in the format that LabVIEW determines is appropriate for the data. LabVIEW chooses either scientific notation or floating-point notation based on the number to format.
        • SI notation—Displays the numeric object in System International (SI) notation, in which the unit of measurement appears after the value. For example, 6000 in floating-point notation equals 6k in SI notation.
        • Decimal—Displays the numeric object in base-10 decimal format.
        • Hexadecimal—Displays the numeric object in base-16 format. Valid digits are 0 to F. For example, 60 in floating-point notation equals 3c in hexadecimal. This option is not available if the representation of the numeric object is floating-point.
        • Octal—Displays the numeric object in base-8 format. Valid digits are 0 to 7. For example, 60 in floating-point notation equals 74 in octal. This option is not available if the representation of the numeric object is floating-point.
        • Binary—Displays the numeric object in base-2 format. Valid digits are 0 and 1. For example, 60 in floating-point notation equals 111100 in binary. This option is not available if the representation of the numeric object is floating-point.
        • Absolute time—Displays the numeric object in terms of time elapsed since 12:00 a.m., January 1, 1904, Universal Time [01-01-1904 00:00:00]. You only can set absolute time with the time stamp control.
        • Relative time—Displays the timestamp in terms of hours, minutes, and seconds or in terms of minutes and seconds starting from zero. For example, 100 in relative time equals 0 hours, 1 minute, and 40 seconds.
      • Digits

        If Precision Type is Digits of precision, this field specifies the number of digits to display after the decimal point. If Precision Type is Significant digits, this field contains the number of significant digits to display.

        This option is available if you select System time format or HH:MM:SS for the Custom time format.

        If Precision Type is Significant digits for single-precision, floating-point numbers, use values from 1 through 6 in this field. If Precision Type is Significant digits for double-precision and extended-precision, floating-point numbers, use values from 1 through 13 in this field. This option is not available if the type of the numeric object is Decimal, Hexadecimal, Octal, or Binary.

      • Precision type

        Sets whether to display digits of precision or significant digits.

        This option is not available if Format is Decimal, Hexadecimal, Octal, or Binary.
        • Digits of precision—Determines that Digits configures the number of digits to display after the decimal point.
        • Significant digits—Determines that Digits configures the number of significant digits to display.
      • Hide trailing zeros—Removes zeros at the end of the number. This option is not available if Format is Decimal, Hexadecimal, Octal, or Binary.
      • Exponent in multiples of 3—Formats the number in engineering notation, where the exponent is always a multiple of three. This option is not available if Format is Floating Point, SI Notation, Decimal, Hexadecimal, Octal, or Binary.
      • Use minimum field width—Pads any excess space to the left or right of the number with zeros or spaces. Place a checkmark in this checkbox to set Minimum field width and Padding.
        • Minimum field width

          Width to which you want to pad the number. This option is only available when you place a checkmark in the Use minimum field width checkbox.

        • Padding

          Sets whether to pad with spaces on the left or right or to pad with zeros on the left. This option is only available when you place a checkmark in the Use minimum field width checkbox.

      • Time Type

        Sets the format of the time displayed in the control or indicator.

        This option is only available when you specify that the type of numeric object is Absolute time.
        • Custom time format—Configure the components to customize the time format.
        • System time format—Select this option to use the format of the operating system.
        • Time unused—Select not to display the time in the control or indicator.
      • AM/PM type

        Sets whether to use a 12-hour clock with AM/PM notation or a 24-hour clock.

        These options are available only if you select Custom time format for the Time Type.
        • AM/PM

          Sets whether to use a 12-hour clock with AM/PM notation or a 24-hour clock.

        • 24-hour—Sets the axis to use a 24-hour clock.
      • HMS type

        Enabled State (disabled)--This option is not available for panes.

      • Digits

        If Precision Type is Digits of precision, this field specifies the number of digits to display after the decimal point. If Precision Type is Significant digits, this field contains the number of significant digits to display.

      • Date Type

        Sets the format of the date displayed in the control or indicator.

        This option is only available when you specify that the type of numeric object is Absolute time.
        • Custom date format—Configure the components to customize the date format.
        • System date format—Select this option to use the format of the operating system.
        • Date unused—Select to display the date in the control or indicator.
      • MDY type

        Sets the order in which to display the month, day, and year.

        These options are available only if you select Custom date format for the Date Type.
        • M/D/Y—Sets the date to display in the order of the month, day, and year.
        • D/M/Y—Sets the date to display in the order of the day, month, and year.
        • Y/M/D—Sets the date to display in the order of the year, month, and day.
      • Year type

        Sets whether to display the year and whether to display it as 2 or 4 digits.

        These options are available only if you select Custom date format for the Date Type.
        • Do not show year—Sets not to display the year.
        • 2-digit year—Sets to display the year as 2 digits.
        • 4-digit year—Sets to display the year as 4 digits.
    • Advanced editing mode

      Select this option from the lower left section of the page if you want to edit the format and precisions with the advanced editing options. Use the format codes, also known as format specifiers or percent codes, to specify how you want LabVIEW to display numbers.

      • Format string

        Specifies the format code that formats the number.

      • Valid

        Indicates whether the syntax of the Format string is valid.

      • Revert

        Click this button to revert Format string to the last version with valid syntax if the syntax of the Format string is not valid.

      • Format Code Type

        Sets the type of format codes to display in the Format Codes list.

        • Numeric Format Codes

          Displays the numeric format codes you can use in Format string. Double-click a format code to insert it in the Format string.

        • Relative Time Format Codes—Displays the relative time format codes you can use in Format string.
        • Absolute Time Format Codes—Displays the absolute time format codes you can use in Format string.
      • Insert into Format String

        Inserts the selected format code into the Format string. You also can double-click a format code in the format code list to insert it in Format String.