Documentation Page (Properties Dialog Box)

Use this page of the Properties dialog box to describe the purpose of the object and to give users instructions for using the object.

This page includes the following components:

Note Some of the components in this list do not apply to all objects.
Option Description
Contains your description of an object in a project.
  • Controls, indicators, and constants—You can enter your description of controls, indicators, or constants in the Description component of the Description and Tip Dialog Box. You can view your description by either opening the Description and Tip Dialog Box or moving your cursor over the object to display the Context Help window.
  • VIs and functions—You can enter and view your description for VIs or functions from the Functions palette in the Description and Tip Dialog Box. Your description will not appear in the Context Help window.
You can format the text in the description to appear bold in the Context Help window. If you want to display a carriage return in the Context Help window, you must separate paragraphs with two carriage returns.
Tip strip

Brief description of the object to display when you move the cursor over an object while a VI runs.