Data Entry Page (Properties Dialog Box)

Use this page of the Properties dialog box to set the range of data for numeric objects or outputs.

This page includes the following components:

Note Some of the components in this list do not apply to all objects.
Option Description
Current Object

Specifies the object you want to configure.

Response to value outside limits: Increment

Sets how to handle the numeric value the user enters if that value is out of the specified numeric range.

Valid values include Ignore, Coerce to nearest, Coerce up, and Coerce down.
Use Default Limits

Sets the minimum, maximum, and increment values to the default values for the selected representation. Remove the checkmark from this checkbox to specify a range of values for the data.


Sets the minimum value for the data range.


Sets the maximum value for the data range.


Sets the increment value for coercion.

Page Size

Sets the page size of the scrolling range. When you click the spaces between the scroll box and the arrows, the scroll bar value changes by the page size.

The top or left position of the scroll box determines the value of the scroll bar. If Minimum is 0, Maximum is 10, and Page Size is 2, the scrolling range is 0 to 8. You can set this option to 0 if you want to set the scroll bar value to Maximum. If Minimum is 0, Maximum is 10, and Page Size is 0, the scrolling range is 0 to 10. If you set this option less than or equal to 0, incrementing by clicking the spaces between the scroll box and the arrows uses the page size of 1.

You also can use the Page Size property to set the page size of the scrolling range programmatically.

Response to value outside limits: Minimum

Sets how to handle the numeric value the user enters if that value is out of the specified numeric range.

Valid values include Ignore and Coerce.
Response to value outside limits: Maximum

Sets how to handle the numeric value the user enters if that value is out of the specified numeric range.

Valid values include Ignore and Coerce.
Note Coercion applies only to values of front panel controls. LabVIEW does not coerce any values that come from the block diagram or other VIs.