Browse Options Page (Properties Dialog Box)

Use this page of the Properties dialog box to configure the browse options of a path control.

This page includes the following components:

Note Some of the components in this list do not apply to all objects.
Option Description

Specifies the custom message that appears as the title of the file dialog box.

(Windows and Mac OS X) The default dialog box title is Open. (Linux) The dialog box does not have a default title. You also can use the Browse Options:Prompt property to set this string programmatically.
Pattern Label

Specifies the label to display in the file dialog box next to the custom pattern you enter in Pattern.

This option is similar to the pattern label parameter of the File Dialog Express VI. You also can use the Browse Options:Pattern Label property to set this label programmatically.

Specifies the pattern to use to restrict the files displayed in the file dialog box.

This option is similar to the pattern parameter of the File Dialog Express VI. You also can use the Browse Options:Match Pattern property to set this pattern programmatically.
Selection Mode Sets the types of files or directories you can select in the file dialog box. This option is similar to the Selection Mode section in the configuration dialog box for the File Dialog Express VI. You also can use the Browse Options:Selection Mode property to set this mode programmatically.
  • Files

    The user can select only a file.

  • Folders

    The user can select only a folder.

  • Files or folders

    The user can select either a file or a folder.

  • Existing

    The user can select only an existing file or folder.

  • New

    The user only can enter the name of a new file or folder.

  • New or existing

    The user can select an existing file or folder or create a new file or folder.

Button Text

Specifies the label to display in the file dialog box for the button above the Cancel button. If you do not specify a label, the button text defaults to OK. This option is similar to the button label input of the File Dialog Express VI. You also can use the Browse Options:Button Text property to set this text programmatically.

Allow selection of files in LLBs and packed project libraries

Specifies that you can select a file from an LLB or a packed library. If this checkbox does not contain a checkmark, you can select an LLB or a packed library but you cannot select a file in an LLB or a packed library.

Start Path

Specifies the path to the directory whose contents you want to display in the file dialog box by default.

This option is similar to the start path parameter of the File Dialog Express VI. You also can use the Browse Options:Start Path property to set this path programmatically.