Configure Project Library Settings Page (Import Shared Library Wizard)

Use this page of the Import Shared Library wizard to specify a name and destination directory for the project library that the wizard generates. Select Tools»Import»Shared Library to launch the Import Shared Library wizard.

This page includes the following components:

Option Description
Project Library Name (.lvlib)

Specifies the name of the LabVIEW project library file that the wizard creates. The wizard generates the library to contain VIs it creates to wrap the functions you import.

Project Library Path

Specifies the directory to which the wizard saves the generated files. By default, the utility saves the files in the LabVIEW/user.lib/project library name directory of the currently running version of LabVIEW. Enter the path to a directory, or click the Browse button to navigate to and select a directory.

Note If you selected Create VIs for a shared library on the Specify Create or Update Mode page, you must specify an empty directory.
Copy the shared library file to the destination folder

Indicates whether you want to save a copy of the original shared library file to the destination directory. If the shared library file is in the system folder(s), this checkbox does not contain a checkmark by default.