Item Settings Page (Project Library Properties Dialog Box)

Use this page of the Project Library Properties dialog box to configure the access settings for items that a LabVIEW project library owns.

This page includes the following components:

Option Description
Contents Displays all components associated with the project library. For project libraries, the tree displays all files and directories that the project library owns. Click an item in the Contents tree to select it.
Path Displays the path to the item you select in the Contents tree.
Default Palette

Appears when you select a palette file (.mnu) in the Contents tree. Place a checkmark in the checkbox to set the file as the default palette for the project library.

Note If you previously set a default palette from the Default Palette listbox on the General Settings page, a checkmark appears in the checkbox next to the default palette file. If you use this checkbox to change the default palette, the new default also appears in the Default Palette listbox.
Access Scope

Displays the access setting for the item you select in the Contents tree.

  • Public—The item is visible when users view the project library. Other VIs and applications can call public VIs.
  • Community—The item is visible when users view the LabVIEW class. Only friends and VIs within the project library can call community VIs.
  • Private—The item does not appear visible when users view the project library if you lock the project library. Other VIs and applications that the project library does not own cannot call a private VI.
  • Not specified—This option appears only when you select a folder. The folder does not have access items specified. Access is public. By default, folders in a class do not have access specified, which means the folders are publicly accessible.
    Note If you specify access options for a folder, the access setting applies to all items in the folder and overrides access options for individual items in the folder.