Documentation Page (Project Library Properties Dialog Box)

Use this page of the Project Library Properties dialog box to set the documentation information for a LabVIEW project library.

This page includes the following components:

Option Description
Localized Name

Specifies the localized name of the item.

You can translate the project library name to a different language.

Specifies the description to display in the Context Help window when you move the cursor over the item in the Project Explorer window.

You can format the text in Description to appear bold in the Context Help window.
Help path

Contains the path or symbolic path to the HTML file or to the compiled help file you want to link to from the Context Help window. If this field is empty, the blue Detailed help link does not appear in the Context Help window, and the Detailed help button is dimmed.

You also can use the Help:Document Path property to set the help path programmatically.
Help tag

Contains the HTML filename or index keyword of the topic you want to link to in a compiled help file (.chm or .hlp). To link to a bookmark within an HTML file, add # followed by the name of the bookmark to the end of the filename.

You also can use the Help:Document Tag property to set the help tag programmatically.