Wire Appearance Page (Class/Interface Properties Dialog Box)

Use this page of the Class/Interface Properties dialog box to configure the wire appearance for a LabVIEW class or interface.

This page includes the following components:

Option Description
Use parent's/default design

For classes that inherit from LabVIEW Object, use the default wire design. For classes that inherit from a class other than LabVIEW Object, use the wire design of the parent class. For interfaces, use the default wire design.

Use custom design

Allows you to customize the class or interface wire design.

You can customize the following wire components:
  • Settings—Displays the settings you can customize for a LabVIEW class or interface wire.
    • Wire pattern

      Select from 12 wire patterns. Choose a wire pattern that ensures that the block diagram is easy to read.

    • Colors—Displays the wire components of which you can change the colors.
      • Edge foreground

        Displays the color choice for the edge foreground of the LabVIEW class or interface wire.

        Note For LabVIEW classes or interfaces, LabVIEW uses the edge foreground color as the border color for terminals.
      • Edge background

        Displays the color choice for the edge background of the LabVIEW class or interface wire.

      • Center foreground

        Displays the color choice for the center foreground of the LabVIEW class or interface wire.

      • Center background

        Displays the color choice for the center background of the LabVIEW class or interface wire.

    • Total width (pixels)

      Displays the total width of the class or interface wire.

    • Center width (pixels)

      Displays the center width in pixels of the class or interface wire.

      Note The center width of the class or interface wire must be less than or equal to the total width of the class or interface wire. If you choose a value for Center width (in pixels) that is greater than Total width (in pixels), LabVIEW changes the value of Total width (in pixels) to be equal to the value of Center width (in pixels).
Wire preview

Displays the class or interface wire appearance. If you choose Use custom design and make changes in Settings, LabVIEW updates the class or interface wire in Wire preview to reflect those changes.