Version Information Page (Installer Properties Dialog Box)

Use this page of the Installer Properties dialog box to enter the version, dialog box settings, and company information for the installer.

This page includes the following components:

Option Description
Product version

Specifies the current software version number. The installer uses this number to check for a current installation and to check for upgrades.

You must increment the version number if you want to create upgrade versions of the installer that are capable of overwriting previous installers. The product version corresponds to the [ProductVersion] Microsoft Installer (MSI) property. Use the Get Build Specification Version VI or Set Build Specification Version VI to programmatically return or set the version information for an installer. Installers only contain or return Major, Minor, and Patch version numbers.
Auto increment product version

Specifies whether LabVIEW automatically increments the Build after each build.

Note Save the project after you build to ensure that LabVIEW automatically increments correctly the next time you open the project.
Company name

Specifies the name of the company, which appears in the product listing in the Windows Add/Remove Programs dialog box.

This option corresponds to the [Manufacturer] Microsoft Installer (MSI) property.
Company URL

Specifies the website of the company, which appears in the product listing in the Windows Add/Remove Programs dialog box.

This option corresponds to the [ARPHELPLINK] Microsoft Installer (MSI) property.
Company contact

Specifies a contact person or other contact information for the company, which appears in the product listing in the Windows Add/Remove Programs dialog box.

This option corresponds to the [ARPCONTACT] Microsoft Installer (MSI) property.
Company phone

Specifies a phone number for the company, which appears in the product listing in the Windows Add/Remove Programs dialog box.

This option corresponds to the [ARPHELPTELEPHONE] Microsoft Installer (MSI) property.
Upgrade code

Specifies the upgrade code that Windows uses to identify the installer. If you duplicate an installer and you do not want the new installer to replace the previous version, generate a new upgrade code. If you want the installer to upgrade, do not change the upgrade code.


Randomly generates a new upgrade code in the Upgrade code text box. Click the Generate button if you do not want the new installer to replace the previous version.

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