Registry Page (Installer Properties Dialog Box)

Use this page of the Installer Properties dialog box to create and configure custom registry keys for the installer build. The structure of the Registry page is similar to the Windows Registry Editor.

Avoid creating registry keys that other applications already create because duplication might result in unexpected behavior.

This page includes the following components:

Option Description
Destination Registry

Displays the current registry structure for the installer. Click the buttons below the Destination Registry tree to add and remove keys.

You also can right-click a folder and select an item from the shortcut menu to add, delete, rename, or unlock registry keys. The Unlock option allows you to remove administrator privileges from deployed files and folders.

You also can double-click a key in Destination Registry to rename it. However, you cannot rename a top-level key in the Destination Registry tree.

New Key

Adds a registry key to the folder selected in the Destination Registry tree.

The default key name is New Key.
Remove Key

Deletes the registry key selected in the Destination Registry tree.

You cannot remove a top-level key.
Registry Values

Lists the values associated with the registry key selected in the Destination Registry tree.

You can right-click the table and select Add String Value or Add DWORD Value from the shortcut menu to add values to the registry key. Right-click a value and select Delete Value from the shortcut menu to delete a value from the key.

Each value has three attributes:
  • Name—Specifies the name of the value.
  • Type—Specifies whether the data type of the value is REG_SZ, which is a string value, or REG_DWORD.
  • Data—Specifies the data for the value.
You can double-click a specific attribute to edit it.
Add Value

Adds a value to the registry key. The new value appears in the Registry Values table.

The default is REG_SZ, which is a string value. Double-click the value type in the table to change it.
Remove Value

Deletes the selected value in the Registry Values table from the registry key.

Refer to the Microsoft website for more information about Microsoft Installer (MSI) registry keys and value data types.

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