Hardware Configuration Page (Installer Properties Dialog Box)

Use this page of the Installer Properties dialog box to specify the source of hardware configuration information to use in the installer build.

This page includes the following components:

Option Description
Include hardware configuration from MAX

Includes in the installer build hardware configuration information configured in Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) on the local system.

If the installer includes an NI device driver and you install hardware on the target computer, you must run the Windows Add Hardware wizard before you import MAX settings. You can access the wizard by opening a command prompt window and entering Hdwwiz.exe to launch the Add Hardware wizard.

If the installer upgrades an existing NI device driver and the hardware was previously installed and operating properly, the import process should complete automatically. The installer should not prompt you to complete the wizard. If the MAX import process encounters a conflict between the settings in the configuration file you want to import and the configuration file currently on the target computer, the installer prompts you to complete the import process interactively to resolve these differences.

If you cancel the import process or the import fails, import the new configuration file manually after you correct the problem. Select File»Import in MAX to restart the import process.

Hardware Configuration File

Contains the name of the hardware configuration file you want to include.


Launches the Configuration Export Wizard.

Import Mode

Specifies how the installer imports hardware configuration information from MAX.

  • Launch MAX Configuration Import Wizard after installation

    Launches the MAX Configuration Import Wizard after installation.

  • Perform the import silently

    Imports the file without prompting the user to take any action.

    • Merge the import data with the destination system configuration

      Merges the hardware configuration data you import with the configuration on the target system.

    • Replace the destination system configuration with the import data

      Replaces the configuration on the target system with the data you are including in the installer.

      Caution Selecting this option removes the entire existing configuration from the local system.