Dialog Information Page (Installer Properties Dialog Box)

Use this page of the Installer Properties dialog box to configure the text that appears in dialog boxes and other user interface elements when the installer runs.

This page includes the following components:

Option Description

Specifies the language that appears in the installer dialog boxes, error messages, and other user interface text when the installer runs.

The default is the default language for the version of LabVIEW you currently use.
Welcome title

Specifies a welcome title for the initialization screen of the installer.

Welcome message

Specifies a welcome message for the initialization screen of the installer. The initialization screen can display a maximum of 7 lines of text.

Include readme file

Specifies a readme file to display during installation. The readme file must be a rich text format (RTF) file in the project.

  • Browse Project

    Displays the Select Project File dialog box, which you can use to select an RTF file in the project.

Include custom license agreement

Specifies a license file that you want to display during installation and require users to accept before running the installer. The license file must be an RTF file in the project.

  • Browse Project

    Displays the Select Project File dialog box, which you can use to select an RTF file in the project.

Include custom Welcome graphic

Specifies a graphic that appears in the welcome dialog box of the installer. The welcome graphic must be a bitmap (BMP) file in the project. The standard size for the BMP file is 578 x 383 pixels. The BMP file cannot be 32-bit.

  • Browse Project

    Displays the Select Project File dialog box, which you can use to select a BMP file in the project.

Include custom Banner graphic

Specifies a banner graphic that appears at the top of all installer dialog boxes. The banner graphic must be a BMP file in the project. The standard size for the BMP file is 578 x 59 pixels.

  • Browse Project

    Displays the Select Project File dialog box, which you can use to select a BMP file in the project.

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