Destinations Page (Installer Properties Dialog Box)

Use this page of the Installer Properties dialog box to configure the destination directory structure of the installer.

This page includes the following components:

Option Description
Destination View

Changes the name of the selected folder in Destination View

The folders in the Destination View directory with a LabVIEW prefix correspond to the following locations:
  • [LabVIEW version Examples]—Files you include in this folder install to the labview\examples directory.
  • [LabVIEW version Help]—Files you include in this folder install to the labview\help directory.
  • [LabVIEW version Instrument Drivers]—Files you include in this folder install to the labview\instr.lib directory.
  • [LabVIEW version Palettes]—Files you include in this folder install to the labview\menus directory.
  • [LabVIEW version Run-Time]—Files you include in this folder install to the Shared\LabVIEW Run-Time\version directory.
  • [LabVIEW version User Libraries]—Files you include in this folder install to the labview\user.lib directory.
  • [LabVIEW version]—Files you include in this folder install to the labview directory.
    Note Version stands for the version of LabVIEW currently in use.
The folders in the Destination View directory that do not have a LabVIEW prefix correspond to Microsoft Installer (MSI) properties. Move the cursor over each folder to display a tip strip with the directory to the folder. Refer to the Microsoft Developer Network Web site at for more information about the corresponding Microsoft Installer (MSI) properties:
  • [All Users Desktop]—Files you include in this folder install to the location that corresponds to the DesktopFolder property.
  • [Personal]—Files you include in this folder install to the location that corresponds to the PersonalFolder property.
  • [Program Files Common]—Files you include in this folder install to the location that corresponds to the CommonFilesFolder property or the CommonFiles64Folder property.
  • [Program Files]—Files you include in this folder install to the location that corresponds to the ProgramFilesFolder property or the ProgramFiles64Folder property.
  • [Public App Data]—Files you include in this folder install to the location that corresponds to the CommonAppDataFolder property.
  • [System]—Files you include in this folder install to the location that corresponds to the SystemFolder property or the System64Folder property.
  • [Temp]—Files you include in this folder install to the location that corresponds to the TempFolder property.
  • [Windows Volume]—Files you include in this folder install to the location that corresponds to the WindowsVolume property.
  • [Windows]—Files you include in this folder install to the location that corresponds to the WindowsFolder property.
Add destination

Click this button to add a folder to the installer directory structure that Destination View displays. The new folder appears under the folder you select in Destination View.

The default name of the new folder is New Folder. Use the Destination name option to change the name.
Add property

Click this button to add a new MSI property to the Destination View tree. When you click this button, the Enter a property name dialog box appears. When you click the OK button, the new folder appears under the other destination directories.

Use the Destination name option to change the name to another MSI property.
Add absolute path

Click this button to add a destination folder path to the installer directory structure that Destination View displays. The new folder appears under the other destination folders.

The default name of the absolute path is c:\New Path. Use the Destination path option to change the path.

Removes the folder from Destination View.

Set as default installation directory

Sets the selected folder as the default installation directory, which specifies the default path where the installer installs the application. Users can change the default path with a dialog box that appears during installation.

In general, you should select the top-level folder where all application files install.
Destination name

Changes the name of the selected folder in Destination View.

However, you cannot rename any of the original top-level folders, which appear in brackets in Destination View. You can rename the top-level folders that you add.

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