Icon Page (Application Properties Dialog Box)

Use this page of the Application Properties dialog box to select the icon file ((Windows) .ico, (macOS) .icns) to use for a stand-alone application. You can use the default LabVIEW icon, select a custom icon file, or create an icon file. The page displays previews of all images in the icon file.

This page includes the following components:

Option Description
Use the default LabVIEW icon file

Indicates whether to use the standard LabVIEW icon for the application. Remove the checkmark from the checkbox if you want to select an icon file from within the project. If you remove the checkmark from this checkbox, the Select Project File dialog box appears and you can select an icon file in the project.

Icon file in project

Displays the icon file to use for the application. LabVIEW supports up to 256×256 pixels and up to 32-bit color.

  • Browse Project

    Displays the Select Project File dialog box, which you can use to select an icon file in the project. If no icon files exist in the project, you can add an icon file to the project using the Select Project File dialog box.

Icon Editor

(Windows) Launches an icon editor that you can use to create or edit an icon file.

If you selected an icon file in Icon file in project, the file opens in the icon editor. If you did not select an icon file, the icon editor creates and opens a new icon file. Save the edits to the icon file before you close the icon editor. If you created a new icon file, click the Browse Project button next to Icon file in project to add the icon file to the project and to the build specification.
Icon Image

(Windows) Lists available images in the.ico file.

LabVIEW supports displaying and setting icons up to 256×256 pixels and up to 32-bit color.

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