Destinations Page (Application Properties Dialog Box)

Use this page of the Application Properties dialog box to configure the destination settings and add destination directories to a stand-alone application.

This page includes the following components:

Option Description

Specifies the destination directories in which you want to include the files that the build generates. Click the Add Destination and Remove Destination buttons to add and delete directories.

The first destination in the list corresponds with the Target filename on the Information page.
Add Destination

Adds a custom destination directory to the Destinations listbox.

Remove Destination

Removes the destination directory you select from the Destinations listbox. You cannot remove the default destination directory or the support directory.

Destination label

Specifies the name for the directory selected in the Destinations listbox. You can select these names as destinations on the Source File Settings page in the Destination pull-down menu. You cannot change the Destination label setting for the target filename or support directories.

If you do not change the text in the Destination path text box, editing the destination label updates the text in the Destination path text box.
Destination path

Specifies the path to the directory or LLB you select in the Destinations listbox.

If you change the path of the target filename, any destinations that are subdirectories automatically update to reflect the new path.
Note To avoid receiving an error during the build process, ensure that file paths for the destination directory, including the filename, are less than 255 characters.

Append the [VersionNumber] tag to the path so LabVIEW includes the version of the build when constructing the build directory. For example, the path C:\temp\builds\[VersionNumber] creates the C:\temp\builds\ directory on disk. The next time you build, the directory on disk increments to C:\temp\builds\ and so on. Use the [VersionNumber] tag for the Application (EXE), .NET Interop Assembly, Packed Library, Shared Library (DLL), and Source Distribution build specifications.

Destination type

Specifies the destination type of the item you select in the Destinations listbox.

You cannot change this setting for applications or support directories.
  • Directory

    Specifies that the destination is a directory.

    • Preserve disk hierarchy

      Preserves the disk hierarchy of the files targeted to this destination directory.

  • LLB

    Specifies that the destination is an LLB.

Add files to new project library

Specifies that you want to add files you move to the selected destination to a new project library.

  • Library name

    Name of the new project library to which LabVIEW adds the files.

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