Scan Engine Page (Properties Dialog Box)

(Windows) In the Project Explorer window, right-click My Computer or a supported target and select Properties to display the My Computer Properties dialog box or Target Properties dialog box, respectively. Select Scan Engine from the Category list to display this page.

(Real-Time Module) In the Project Explorer window, right-click a supported RT target and select Properties to display the RT Target Properties dialog box. Select Scan Engine from the Category list to display this page.

Use this page to configure NI Scan Engine settings.

Note The settings you configure on this dialog page apply only to targets with the NI Scan Engine installed.

This page includes the following components:

Option Description
Scan Engine Properties Contains general NI Scan Engine configuration settings.
  • Scan Period

    Specifies the period of the NI Scan Engine. Use the pull-down menu to select the time units of the scan period.

  • Network Publishing Period (ms)

    Specifies how often, in milliseconds, the target updates published values on the network. This rate should not be faster than the scan period.

  • Scan Engine Priority

    Specifies the priority of the NI Scan Engine thread on the target. Select Above time critical if you do not want any other thread to interrupt the NI Scan Engine thread. Select Below time critical but above timed structures if you want VIs set to time-critical priority to interrupt the NI Scan Engine thread if necessary. The NI Scan Engine thread always runs at a higher priority than Timed Loops and Timed Sequence structures.

  • Start Scan Engine on Deploy

    Sets whether to start running the NI Scan Engine upon deploying the target, such as My Computer, or an item under the target that depends on the NI Scan Engine. If the NI Scan Engine is already running, deployment does not restart the NI Scan Engine.

Fault Configuration

Contains NI Scan Engine fault configuration options. Advanced fault configuration options are available only if you select Custom from the pull-down menu in the Level column of the Configurable Faults table.

Note To restore the default configuration of a fault, select Unconfigured from the pull-down menu in the Level column of the Configurable Faults table.
  • Configurable Faults

    Contains a table that lists configurable NI Scan Engine faults and the level configured for each of the faults. The faults in this table depend on which scanned I/O drivers are installed on the system.

    Use the pull-down menu in the Level column to configure the level of a fault. Select Custom from the pull-down menu to enable advanced configuration options for a fault. Select Unconfigured to restore the default configuration of a fault.

  • Description

    Displays a description of the fault you select from the Configurable Faults list.

  • Occurrence Threshold

    Specifies the number of times the selected fault can occur before the level of the fault changes.

  • Use Time Window

    Specifies whether to use the Time Window to bound the amount of time required to meet the occurrence threshold.

  • Time Window

    Specifies a time limit for the occurrence threshold. When the time window expires, LabVIEW resets the internal occurrence counter for the specified fault and restarts the time window. This control is available only if you place a checkmark in the Use Time Window checkbox.

  • Level Before Threshold

    Specifies the level of the specified fault before the occurrence threshold is met.

  • Level After Threshold

    Specifies the level of the specified fault after the occurrence threshold is met.


Contains advanced options related to NI Scan Engine modes. This section is available only if the target includes an expansion I/O device.

  • Startup Mode

    Specifies the NI Scan Engine mode to enter at startup.

    • Active

      Specifies that the NI Scan Engine on the target enters Active mode at startup.

    • Configuration

      Specifies that the NI Scan Engine on the target enters Configuration mode at startup.

  • Report automatic scan mode transitions as conflicts

    Specifies whether to report a deployment conflict when an NI Scan Engine mode change is necessary to complete an action. For example, if you attempt to deploy scan engine configuration updates while in Active mode and this checkbox contains a check, LabVIEW reports a conflict to inform you that you must switch to Configuration mode to continue deployment.

    If this checkbox does not contain a check, LabVIEW automatically transitions the NI Scan Engine mode as necessary. In the event of a transition from Fault mode to Configuration mode, LabVIEW automatically changes the severity of all major faults to minor in the target fault list.

    Note LabVIEW cannot transition directly from Fault mode to Active mode. Instead you must switch from Fault mode to Configuration mode and then from Configuration mode to Active mode.