Source Control Page (Options Dialog Box)

Select Tools»Options to display the Options dialog box and select Source Control from the Category list to display this page. You also can select Tools»Source Control»Configure Source Control.

Use this page to configure source control for a third-party source control provider and set source control options in LabVIEW.

This page includes the following components:

Option Description
General Use this section to select and configure a third-party source control provider.
  • Source Control Provider Name

    Specifies the third-party provider you want to use with LabVIEW. LabVIEW automatically detects the providers you have installed and includes them as options.

    If you change the provider, all LabVIEW projects that are open in LabVIEW update to use the new provider. Refresh all open projects after you change providers.

    On Windows, LabVIEW scans the Windows registry to determine which source control providers are installed and uses that information to populate Source Control Provider Name. On non-Windows platforms, LabVIEW runs a query to determine if Perforce is installed. If so, the Perforce Command Line option appears in the Source Control Provider Name pull-down menu.

  • Advanced

    Allows you to set properties specific to the third-party source control provider you use.

    Not all source control providers support this option in LabVIEW. This option does not appear on the Source Control page of the Options dialog box if the source control provider does not support it.
  • Source Control Project

    Displays information about the configured source control project, such as location or name. Click the Change button to specify a different source control project.

    Not all source control providers support a source control project structure.
  • Change

    Opens a provider-specific dialog box that you can use to set specific information about the source control project, such as location, name, or client specification.

    This button is enabled only if the source control provider supports multiple source control projects. If you change the project, all open LabVIEW projects update to reflect the changes.
  • Display only selected files in Source Control Operations dialog box

    Displays only files currently selected in the LabVIEW project or, if not using a LabVIEW project, the active LabVIEW file in the Source Control Operations dialog box when you perform source control operations. This checkbox contains a checkmark by default.

    Remove the checkmark from the checkbox if you want all files whose status is valid for the selected source control operation to display in the Source Control Operations dialog box.
  • Include hierarchy when adding files

    Includes the dependencies of LabVIEW files when you add the files to source control. This checkbox contains a checkmark by default.

    If you remove the checkmark from the checkbox, the file hierarchy does not display in the Source Control Operations dialog box when you add files to source control.
    • Exclude vi.lib

      Excludes files in the vi.lib directory from the source control operation.

    • Exclude instr.lib

      Excludes files in the instr.lib directory from the source control operation.

  • Include callers when checking out files

    Includes files that are callers of a LabVIEW file in the Source Control Operations dialog box when you check out a file from source control. This checkbox contains a checkmark by default. You also must enable the Display Source Control Operations dialog box for file checkout option to view a list of the files.

    Only callers that are in memory at the time of the operation are included when you check out the files.

    If you remove the checkmark from this checkbox, the callers are not included as part of the check out operation.
    Note You might check out more files than you expect if the following conditions are met:
    • The Include callers when checking out files checkbox contains a checkmark.
    • The file you check out has callers and those callers are in memory.
    • You chose not to display the Source Control Operations dialog box.
    The callers are checked out from source control with the file. However, you cannot view the callers you are checking out. To view a list of the callers, you must enable the Display Source Control Operations dialog box for file checkout option.
  • Display Source Control Operations dialog box for file checkout

    Displays the Source Control Operations dialog box when you select a file to check out of source control. You can use the dialog box to check out other files besides the one you originally selected, deselect files you do not want to check out, and set advanced options to check out files. By default, this checkbox does not contain a checkmark and LabVIEW checks out files with no prompting.

    If you also enable Include callers when checking out files, files that are callers appear in the dialog box when you check out files.
Prompts Use this section to configure the prompts LabVIEW displays when you use a third-party source control provider.
  • Prompt to check out files when edited

    Enables a prompt to appear when you edit a VI that is not checked out. The prompt appears only on the first edit you make to the VI and does not appear again until you check out the file or close the LabVIEW project. This checkbox contains a checkmark by default.

    The prompt does not appear for non-VI files.
  • Prompt to add files to source control when adding to LabVIEW project

    Enables a prompt to appear when you add files to a LabVIEW project to determine whether you want to add the selected files and any supporting files to source control. This checkbox contains a checkmark by default.

    If you remove the checkmark from the checkbox, LabVIEW adds files to the project without prompting.
    Note You cannot add new VIs or LabVIEW project libraries to source control until you save and name them.
  • Notify if files are already checked out

    Enables a dialog box to appear when you attempt to check out files that are already checked out. The dialog box displays a list of the files that other users have checked out. You can continue the operation, return to the Source Control Operations dialog box to deselect the files, or cancel the check-out operation. This checkbox contains a checkmark by default.

    If you remove the checkmark from the checkbox, LabVIEW does not prompt you when multiple users check out files.