Execution:Run When Opened

Indicates whether to run the VI when it opens.

This property is similar to the Run when opened option on the Execution page of the VI Properties dialog box.

Note LabVIEW ignores this property when you load the VI using the VI Server. Use the Run VI method to run a VI you load using the VI Server.
Note When a user launches a VI from a disk location other than standard NI installer locations, such as the LabVIEW 20XX or National Instruments\Shared folder, the user will be prompted to choose whether to run the VI or open it in edit mode.


The following table lists the characteristics of this property.

Short Name Exec.RunOnOpen
Data type cbool.png
Permissions Read/Write
Available in Run-Time Engine Yes (Read Only)
Available in Real-Time Operating System Yes
Settable when the VI is running Yes
Loads the front panel into memory No
Need to authenticate before use No
Loads the block diagram into memory No
Remote access allowed Yes
Must wait until user interface is idle No
Available with control VIs No
Available with global VIs No
Available with strict type definitions No
Available with polymorphic VIs No