Remote Panel:Connections To Servers

Returns an array of clusters containing connection information about the servers to which the computer is currently connected.


Name Description
VI Name Name of the VI on the server to which you want to connect. To specify a VI that is part of a LabVIEW project, you must include the project name, the project library, and the target in the path of the VI, when applicable. For example, if resides in a project called MyProject.lvproj under target My Computer, enter the VI name as MyProject.lvproj/My Computer/ If the VI resides in a project library called MyLibrary, also include the project library in the path, as in MyProject.lvproj/My Computer/ If the VI is not in a project or project library, you can enter the VI name without any additional information.
Remote IP address of the server to which you are connected.
UserName Your current LabVIEW user name.
Port Port number currently being used by the server computer.
Status An enumeration type that specifies the controlling status of the connection.
Create Time A time stamp that specifies in seconds when the connection was created.
Status Time A time stamp that specifies in seconds when the server changed to its current connection status.
Control End Time A time stamp that indicates when the server will regain control of the VI or transfer control to another client. A value of MM/DD/YY indicates that the server administrator did not set a time limit for the VI in the Web Server page of the Options dialog box.

Use the Remote Panel:Open Connection To Server method to open a connection to a server.


The following table lists the characteristics of this property.

Short Name RemotePanel.ConnToServers
Data type c1dcclst.png
Permissions Read Only
Available in Run-Time Engine Yes (Read Only)
Available in Real-Time Operating System Yes
Remote access allowed No