FCopy (LabVIEW Manager Function)

MgErr FCopy(oldPath, newPath);


Copies a file, preserving the type, creator, and access rights. The file to be copied must not be open. If an error occurs, the new file is not created.


Name Type Description
oldPath Path Path of the file or directory you want to copy.
newPath Path Path, including filename, where you want to store the new file.

Return Value

MgErr, which can contain the following errors. If you receive errors from LabVIEW Manager functions, most error names correspond to LabVIEW error codes.

Value Corresponding Error Code or Description
noErr No error.
mgArgErr 1
mFullErr 2
fIsOpen 5
fIOErr 6
fNotFound 7
fNoPerm 8
fDiskFull 9
fDupPath 10
fTMFOpen 11