Pre-Generate Rules Dialog Box

Select Operate»Pre-Generate Rules in the Fuzzy System Designer to display this dialog box.

Use this dialog box to generate a complete rule base for the fuzzy system you design in the Fuzzy System Designer. All rules that this dialog box creates use the same Antecedent connective, Degree of support, and Consequent implication. This dialog box also deletes all existing rules on the Rules page of the Fuzzy System Designer.

This dialog box includes the following components:

Option Description
Antecedent connective

Specifies the antecedent connective you want to use for the generated rules. The antecedent connective determines how the fuzzy logic controller calculates the truth value of the aggregated rule antecedent.

You can use the following antecedent connectives:
  • AND (Minimum)—Specifies that the fuzzy logic controller uses the smallest degree of membership of the antecedents.
  • AND (Product)—Specifies that the fuzzy logic controller uses the product of the degrees of membership of the antecedents.
  • OR (Maximum)—Specifies that the fuzzy logic controller uses the largest degree of membership of the antecedents.
  • OR (Probabilistic)—Specifies that the fuzzy logic controller uses the probabilistic sum of the degrees of membership of the antecedents. The fuzzy logic controller uses the following equation to calculate the probabilistic sum: (A + B) – (A * B), where A and B are the antecedents.
Degree of support

Specifies the weight, between 0 and 1, that you want to apply to the generated rules. Multiply the Degree of support by the truth value of the aggregated rule antecedent to calculate the rule weight.

Consequent implication

Specifies the implication method you want to use for the generated rules. The consequent implication determines how the fuzzy logic controller scales the membership functions of the output linguistic variable based on the rule weight. You can use the Minimum or Product implication method.