VISA GPIB Control REN Function

Asserts or deasserts the GPIB REN interface line according to the specified mode.

mode also can specify the remote/local state of the device.

Note VISA GPIB Control REN is valid only if the GPIB interface associated with the specified session is currently the system controller.



  • cvsrn.png VISA resource name

    VISA resource name specifies the resource to be opened. The VISA resource name control also specifies the session and class.

  • cu16.png mode

    mode specifies the state of the REN line and optionally the device remote/local state.

    This input accepts the following values.

    0Deassert REN—Deassert REN line.
    1Assert REN—Assert REN line.
    2Go To Local; Deassert REN—Send the Go To Local (GTL) command and deassert REN line.
    3Assert REN; Address Device—Assert REN line and address device.
    4Local Lockout (Addressed Devices)—Send LLO to any devices that are addressed to listen.
    5Local Lockout (This Device)—Address this device and send it LLO, putting it in RWLS.
    6Go To Local—Send the Go To Local command (GTL) to this device.
  • cerrcodeclst.png error in (no error)

    error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.

  • ivsrn.png VISA resource name out

    VISA resource name out is a copy of the VISA resource name that VISA functions return.

  • ierrcodeclst.png error out

    error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.