ResetSys Function

Performs bus initialization, message exchange initialization, and device initialization.

Refer to GPIB Function Defaults for more information about the timeout and address defaults.



  • ci32.png bus

    bus refers to the GPIB bus number. If you have only one GPIB interface in your computer, the default bus number is 0.

    Refer to the software installation instructions included with the GPIB controller for additional GPIB interfaces.
  • c1di16.png address list

    address list contains the primary address of the GPIB device with which the function communicates.

    If a secondary address is required, use the MakeAddr function to put the primary and secondary addresses in the proper format.
  • cerrcodeclst.png error in

    error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.

  • i1dbool.png status

    status is a Boolean array in which each bit describes a state of the GPIB Controller.

    If an error occurs, the function sets bit 15. GPIB error is valid only if bit 15 of status is set.

    The following table shows the numeric value and symbolic status of each bit in status. This table also includes a description of each bit.
    Status BitNumeric ValueSymbolic StatusDescription
    01DCASDevice Clear state
    12DTASDevice Trigger State
    24LACSListener Active
    38TACSTalker Active
    416ATNAttention Asserted
    664REMRemote State
    7128LOKLockout State
    8256CMPLOperation Completed
    124096SRQISRQ Detected while CIC
    138192ENDEOI or EOS Detected
    15-32768ERRError Detected
  • ierrcodeclst.png error out

    error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.

  • First, the function asserts Remote Enable (REN), followed by Interface Clear (IFC), unaddressing all devices and making the GPIB controller (the System Controller) the Controller-In-Charge.

    Second, the function sends the Device Clear (DCL) message to all connected devices. This ensures that all IEEE 488.2-compatible devices can receive the Reset (RST) message that follows.

    Third, the function sends the *RST message to all devices whose addresses are contained in the address list array. This message initializes device-specific functions within each device.