Include Fixed-Point Overflow Status Function

Includes an overflow status with FXP. The value of the overflow status equals the value specified in overflow.



  • cunkn.png FXP

    FXP specifies a fixed-point number.

  • cbool.png overflow

    overflow specifies whether the overflow status of FXP with overflow included is TRUE or FALSE.

  • iunkn.png FXP with overflow included

    FXP with overflow included returns FXP with an overflow status set to the value specified in overflow.

  • FPGA Module Details

    The following details apply when you use this object in an FPGA VI.

    Note The following details are subject to change with each version of the LabVIEW FPGA Module.

    The Fixed-Point functions do not support array inputs. However, you can pass array data to these functions element-by-element if you meet the following criteria:

    • You place the function inside a For Loop within a single-cycle Timed Loop
    • You enable auto-indexing on the For Loop tunnels
    • You use the function with other supported functions
    • You do not include shift registers or Feedback Nodes