Get Control Values by Index Function

Gets values from the controls for the VI you reference. This function offers better performance than VI Server objects that read from the terminal of a front panel control, such as using the Value property in the Control class. However, this function requires more advanced application design than other methods for getting control values.



  • cvirn.png VI Refnum

    VI Refnum specifies a reference to the VI from which you want to get control values. You can wire a strict or non-strict reference to this input. The default is a reference to the current VI.

  • c1di32.png control indexes

    control indexes specifies an array of indices of front panel controls for which you want to get values.

    Use the Control Index property in the Control class to retrieve control indexes.
  • cerrcodeclst.png error in (no error)

    error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.

  • i1dfxdt.png data values

    data values returns the control values.

  • ierrcodeclst.png error out

    error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.

  • The Get Control Values by Index function requires that the VI from which you want to get control values is running or in run mode. Furthermore, the controls for which you want to get values must have terminals on the block diagram.

    Note Because controls nested within clusters or arrays do not have terminals on the block diagram, you cannot get values for those controls.

    Application Design Considerations

    Use the following recommendations to obtain the best performance when you get control values with this function:

    • Retrieve the index of a control only once during an initialization section of an application.
    • To get control values from the current VI, leave VI Refnum unwired.