Flatten To XML Function

Converts any data type you wire to anything and converts it to an XML string according to the LabVIEW XML schema.

If anything contains the characters <, >, or &, the function converts those characters to &lt;, &gt;, or &amp;, respectively. Use the Escape XML VI to convert other characters, such as ", to XML syntax.



  • cunclst.png anything

    anything is any LabVIEW data you want to convert. This parameter is polymorphic.

  • istr.png xml string

    xml string is the resulting XML string that represents the LabVIEW data type.

    When converting decimal values, this function uses only the period (.) as a decimal separator. The function does not use localized decimal separators.
  • Examples

    Refer to the following example files included with LabVIEW.

    • labview\examples\File IO\XML\Flatten and Unflatten XML\Flatten and Unflatten XML.lvproj