Help Menu

The Help menu contains items to explain and define LabVIEW features and other components, provide full LabVIEW documentation, and access National Instruments Technical Support.

Note Some menu items are available only on specific operating systems, with specific LabVIEW development systems, when an item in the Project Explorer window is selected, or when a VI is selected.
  • Show Context Help displays or hides the Context Help window.
  • Lock Context Help locks or unlocks the current contents of the Context Help window.
  • LabVIEW Help displays the LabVIEW Help. Use this help file as a reference for information about LabVIEW palettes, menus, tools, VIs, and functions. The LabVIEW Help also includes step-by-step instructions for using LabVIEW features.
  • Explain Error accesses the complete reference information for any current errors in the VI.
  • Help for This VI directly accesses the complete VI reference information from the LabVIEW Help for the current VI.
  • Find Examplessearches hundreds of example VIs. You can modify an example to fit your application, or you can copy and paste from one or more examples into your own VI.
  • (Windows, Linux) Find Instrument Drivers displays the NI Instrument Driver Finder, which you can use to search for and install LabVIEW Plug and Play instrument drivers.
  • Web Resources accesses Internet links that take you directly to National Instruments Technical Support, the KnowledgeBase, and other online National Instruments resources.
  • (Windows) Activate LabVIEW Components displays the NI Activation Wizard, which you can use to activate a valid LabVIEW license. This option is available only if you are running LabVIEW in evaluation mode.
  • (Windows) Activate Add-ons displays the Third Party Add-on Activation Wizard, which you can use to activate or deactivate third-party LabVIEW add-ons.
  • Check for Updates displays the NI Update Service window, which checks for any available updates.
  • Customer Experience Improvement Program displays the National Instruments Customer Experience Improvement Program window, which collects and synthesizes data from customer use of NI products to guide the improvement process for those products. From this window, choose to either accept or decline participation.
  • Patents accesses patent information about your current installation of LabVIEW, including toolkits and modules. Refer to the National Instruments Web site for the most current list of patents covering this product.
  • About LabVIEW accesses general information about your current installation of LabVIEW, including version number and serial number.