Window Run-Time Position Page (VI Properties Dialog Box)

From the front panel or block diagram window of a VI, select File»VI Properties and select Window Run-Time Position from the Category pull-down menu to display this page.

Use this page to customize the run-time front panel window position and size.

This page includes the following components:

Option Description

Sets the position of the front panel window on the computer screen.

You also can use the Front Panel:Center method to center the front panel window programmatically.

If you have multiple monitors, sets on which monitor to display the front panel window. This option is enabled only for the Maximized, Minimized, and Centered positions.

You also can use the Front Panel Window:Monitor property to set the monitor on which to display the front panel window programmatically.
Window Position

Sets the position of the front panel window on the computer screen.

  • Use Current Position

    Does not change the window position at run time. If the front panel of the VI does not display until after the VI runs, LabVIEW uses the saved Window Position. If the front panel is open when the VI begins running, the VI retains the Window Position set before running.

  • Top

    Sets where on the computer screen the top border of the front panel window appears in pixels.

  • Left

    Sets where on the computer screen the left border of the front panel window appears in pixels.

  • Set to Current Window Position

    Sets the Top and Left values to the position of the current window in pixels.

Panel Size Sets the size of the front panel, not including the scroll bars, title bar, menu bar, and toolbar. If you specified a Minimum Panel Size on the Window Size page, the Panel Size must be equal to or greater than the Minimum Panel Size.
  • Use Current Panel Size

    Does not change the panel size at run time. If the front panel of the VI does not display until after the VI runs, LabVIEW uses the saved Panel Size. If the front panel is open when the VI begins running, the VI retains the Panel Size set before running.

  • Width

    Sets the width of the front panel size in pixels.

  • Height

    Sets the height of the front panel size in pixels.

  • Set to Current Panel Size

    Sets the Width and Height to the dimensions of the current front panel in pixels.

Scroll panes to origin at run time

Sets the front panel to scroll to the pane origin at run time. When the VI stops running, the front panel restores to the original pane position. Enable this option to view the run-time front panel bounds while you modify the front panel in edit mode.

If you use splitter bars to separate the front panel into multiple panes, enabling this option scrolls all the panes to the origin at run time.

You also can use the Front Panel:Run-Time Position methods to customize the run-time front panel window position and size programmatically.