Security Page (Properties Dialog Box)

Use this page to configure security for front panel controls and indicators.

This page includes the following components:

Note Some of the components in this list do not apply to all objects.
Option Description
Access Control List (ACL) Displays the access rights granted to specific users and groups. If a user and a group that the user is a member of both appear in the list, LabVIEW uses the setting granting the greatest level of access.
Tip An empty user and group list indicates all users have access rights.
Add Launches the Add New User/Group/Host dialog box, in which you can select a domain, host, user, and group. You define the domain, host, user, and group in the Domain Account Manager.
Remove Removes the currently selected user or group from the Access Control List (ACL).
Access Specifies the access rights of the user or group selected in the Access Control List (ACL).
  • Full Access—The selected user or group can view and interact with the front panel object.
  • Disabled (View Only)—The selected user or group is able to view the object on the front panel but cannot interact with it.
  • Disabled & Grayed Out—The front panel object is grayed out, and the user or group cannot interact with it.
  • No Access (Hidden)—The front panel object does not appear on the front panel.