Revision History Page (VI Properties Dialog Box)

From the front panel or block diagram window of a VI, select File»VI Properties and select Revision History from the Category pull-down menu to display this page.

Use this page to set revision history options for the current VI.

This page includes the following components:

Option Description
Use the default history settings from the Options dialog box

Uses the global history settings from the Revision History page of the Options dialog box. Remove the checkmark from this option to select custom history settings for this VI.

You also can use the History:Use Defaults property to set revision history options programmatically.
Add an entry every time the VI is saved

Automatically generates a comment in the History window if you change the VI and save it. If you do not enter a comment in the Comment box of the History window, LabVIEW adds only a header to the history if the History>>Show Empty Entries option is selected in the History window.

Prompt for a comment when the VI is closed

Prompts you to add a comment to the History window if you made any changes to this VI since you opened it, even if you already saved those changes. LabVIEW does not prompt you to add a comment to the History window if you did not make any changes.

Prompt for a comment when the VI is saved

Prompts you to add a comment to the History window if you made any changes to this VI since you last saved it. LabVIEW does not prompt you to add a comment to the History window if you did not make any changes.

Record comments generated by LabVIEW

Automatically generates a comment in the History window when you save the VI if LabVIEW made any automatic changes to the VI, such as recompiling the VI for a new version of LabVIEW. This checkbox does not contain a checkmark by default.

You also can use the History:Record Application Comments property to add comments to the VI revision history programmatically.
View Current Revision History

Displays a history of comments saved with this VI.