Menu Editor Menus

Select Edit»Run-Time Menu to display the Menu Editor dialog box.

Right-click a control and select Advanced»Run-Time Shortcut Menu»Edit to display the Shortcut Menu Editor dialog box.

The File menu includes the following components:

Option Description
New Creates a new RTM file and prompts you to save any previously edited RTM file.
Open Opens an existing RTM file and switches the Menu Type to Custom.
Save Saves the current RTM file. If you customize a run-time shortcut menu, you can save the shortcut menu with the control.
Save As Saves the current RTM file with a different name.
Close Closes the Menu Editor.

The Edit menu includes the following components:

Option Description
Cut Deletes the selected menu item or text and copies it to the clipboard.
Copy Copies the selected menu item or text to the clipboard.
Copy Entire Menu Copies the entire menu hierarchy to the clipboard.
Paste Pastes the contents of the clipboard.
Expand/Collapse Expands or collapses the selected submenu item.
Expand All Expands all submenu items.
Collapse All Collapses all submenu items.
Insert User Item Inserts a user item after the selected menu item.
Insert Separator Inserts a separator after the selected menu item.
Insert Application Item Inserts an application item or submenu after the selected menu item.
Delete Item Deletes the selected menu item.
Make Super Item Makes the items following the selected item subordinate.
Make Sub Item Makes the selected item subordinate to the preceding menu item.
Move Item Up Moves the selected item up in the menu list. If the selected item has sub-items, they move along with the selected item.
Move Item Down Moves the selected item down in the menu list. If the selected item has sub-items, they move along with the selected item.