Memory Usage Page (VI Properties Dialog Box)

From the front panel or block diagram window of a VI, select File»VI Properties and select Memory Usage from the Category pull-down menu to display this page.

Use this page to display the disk and system memory the VI uses and the compiler settings that affect these values. Memory usage can vary widely, especially as you edit and run the VI. The memory figures include only the amount of memory the VI uses and do not reflect the memory any subVIs use.

Tip The block diagram usually requires the most memory. When you are not editing the block diagram, save the VI and close the block diagram to free space for other VIs. Saving and closing subVI front panels also frees memory.

This page includes the following components:

Option Description
Front Panel Objects

Displays the amount of memory, in kilobytes, that the front panel objects in this VI use.

You also can use the Metrics: Size of Front Panel property to display the amount of memory of the front panel window programmatically.
Block Diagram Objects

Displays the amount of memory, in kilobytes, that the block diagram objects in this VI use.

You also can use the Metrics: Size of Block Diagram property to display the amount of memory of the block diagram programmatically.

Displays the size, in kilobytes, of the compiled code for this VI.

You also can use the Metrics: Code Size property to display the amount of memory the VI uses programmatically.

Displays the size, in kilobytes, of the data space for this VI.

You also can use the Metrics: Total Data Size property to display the size of the data space for this VI programmatically.

The total amount of memory, in kilobytes, that this VI uses.

Total VI Size On Disk

Displays the total file size, in kilobytes, for this VI.

Compiled Code Complexity

Specifies the complexity of a VI in relation to the Compiler optimizations slider on the Environment page of the Options dialog box. By comparing these two values, you can determine whether LabVIEW prioritizes editor responsiveness or execution speed when compiling this VI.

You also can use the Compiled:Code Complexity property to read this value programmatically.

Note The value of this field is subject to change in future versions of LabVIEW.
Last Compiled With

Indicates the degree of compiler optimizations that LabVIEW last used when compiling the VI. The value corresponds to whether the compiled code complexity of the VI was greater or less than the threshold at which LabVIEW begins limiting compiler optimizations to prioritize editor responsiveness.

You can use this value to determine whether adjusting the complexity threshold can improve the execution speed of the VI.
  • Partial compiler optimizations—Indicates that the complexity of this VI was greater than the last threshold used to compile the VI. VIs with this value may execute more quickly when compiled with a lower threshold.
  • Full compiler optimizations—Indicates that the complexity of this VI was less than the last threshold used to compile the VI. You cannot adjust the complexity threshold to improve the execution speed of a VI with this value.

You can use the Compiled:Last Compiled With property to read the value of this field programmatically.