New Features and Changes
- Updated2025-01-29
- 7 minute(s) read
New Features and Changes
Learn about updates—including new features and behavior changes—introduced in each version of Package Manager.
2025 Q1
January 2025
Network Analyzer
- Added support for markers.
- Added support for memory traces.
RF Signal Analyzer (RFmx)
- Spectrum Analyzer - Added frequency counter measurement.
- LTE - Added support for downlink NB-IoT.
- Bluetooth - Added new trace and results for HDT.
RF Signal Generator
- Added the ability to change the active script while debugging test code in script mode.
- Added the ability to switch to CW (continuous waveform) or Arb (arbitrary waveform) mode while debugging test code in script mode.
- Enhanced monitoring support- vertical scaling will be automatically updated based on test program settings.
- Added support for all PXIe-5172 onboard timebase rates.
Professional License
The following new features are only available with an InstrumentStudio Professional license.
- Sequencer Tool
- Added support for native instrument types- FGEN, SCOPE, and SMU/VPS panels can now be added to sequences.
- Added support for parameter sweeps.
- Measurement Plug-Ins
- Added support for parameter sweeps for measurement plug-ins.
2024 Q4
October 2024
- Added segmented sweeps to the Network Analyzer instrument as well as enhancements to pulsed S-parameters, data visualizations, and calibration.
- Added channel merging capability to the SMU/Power Supply instrument to allow combining multiple channels to achieve a higher output current.
Professional License
The following new features are only available with an InstrumentStudio Professional license.
- Added support for SCPI-capable oscilloscopes.
- Fetch data and screenshot captures from SCPI instruments.
- Fetch configurations from SCPI instruments.
- Apply configurations to SCPI instruments.
- Sequencer Tool
- Added support for digital multimeters in the Sequencer Tool. You can now create steps to read measurements from supported digital multimeters.
- Added support for wait steps. You can now create wait steps in your sequences.
- UI improvements to the sequencer tool. You can now view steps associated with measurement panels.
- Measurement Plug-Ins
- Added support for measurement plug-in versioning. Refer to the Measurement Plug-In User Manual for more information measurement plug-in versioning.
- Added support for displaying a link to measurement plug-in documentation in InstrumentStudio and TestStand
2024 Q3
July 2024
- Pin maps are no longer required use measurement plug-ins.
- Added several enhancements to the Network Analyzer instrument, including the ability to save S-parameter measurement results to Touchstone format (.snp) files.
- Added band power markers to the Spectrum measurement in the RF Signal Analyzer instrument.
Professional License
The following new features are only available with an InstrumentStudio Professional license.
- Added support for measurement plug-ins. Refer to the Measurement Plug-Ins user manual for more information on developing measurements.
- Added the Sequencer Tool for sequencing measurements using measurement plug-ins.
- Added support for connecting to plug-in libraries.
2024 Q2
April 2024
- Added manual calibration, pulse mode, triggering, and improved calset support to the Network Analyzer instrument.
- Reference waveform and de-embedding file paths are now stored with the RF Signal Analyzer configuration, allowing for automatic reload.
- Added several enhancements for Channel Sounding packets using the RF Signal Analyzer Bluetooth personality.
2024 Q1
January 2024
- Added support for Fixed Markers using RF Signal Analyzer instruments.
- Added custom bitfile support for RF Signal Analyzer and RF Signal Generator instruments.
2023 Q4
October 2023
- You can now undo and redo changes made to panel properties.
- Improved searching and filtering of instruments and measurements in the Edit Layout window.
- Use the new Network Analyzer instrument to control supported NI vector network analyzers.
- Added support for capturing IQ data using the RF Signal Analyzer instrument.
- Added support for Channel Sounding packets using the RF Signal Analyzer Bluetooth personality.
- Added several enhancements to the RF Signal Analyzer Pulse personality, including support for multi-burst analysis and phase and frequency traces.
2023 Q3
July 2023
- Added full support for remote RF Signal Analyzer panel for SpecAn, LTE, NR, WLAN and Bluetooth personalities (no longer preview features).
- Added Bluetooth personality to remote RF Signal Analyzer panel.
- Added new remote connections section in the preferences menu.
- Added support for pulse measurements in the RF Signal Analyzer panel.
2023 Q2
April 2023
- Added LTE, NR, and WLAN personalities to remote RF Signal Analyzer panel preview
feature. Note Preview features have limited functionality and are not fully supported.
2023 Q1
January 2023
- Added SMU measurement auto-range support for PXIe-4190 and PXIe-4190 (500 kHz).
- Added LCR Meter impedance measurement auto-range support in sweep mode.
- Added remote RF Signal Analyzer panel viewing as a preview feature. Note Preview features have limited functionality and are not fully supported.
2022 Q4
October 2022
- Added oscilloscope Manual Override mode, enabling simultaneous manual configuration of Record length and Sample Size in oscilloscope settings .
2022 Q3
July 2022
- SMU measurement auto-range support for DC Power devices that support it.
- Single-channel sweep mode support for PXIe-4190 when used in LCR mode.
- LCR Meter mode usability improvements for PXIe-4190.
- RF Signal Analyzer instrument with support for RFmx personalities.
2022 Q2
April 2022
- Single-channel sweep mode measurement added as a preview feature for PXIe-4190 when used in LCR mode.
2022 Q1
January 2022
- LCR panel debug monitor functionality and usability improvements for the LCR PXIe-4190 module.
- Custom gating support for Scope measurements.
2021 Q4
October 2021
- Added new LCR panel supporting interactive use with the PXIe-4190 module.
- Added access and visibility to pin maps.
- Improved UI responsiveness and added pin filtering for systems with high channel counts.
April 2021
- Added new RFSG Signal Generator panel supporting interactive use and debugging using PXIe-5820, PXIe-5830, PXIe-5831, PXIe-5832, PXIe-5840, and PXIe-5841.
- Added support for the PXIe-4135(40W) and PXIe-4137(40W) source measure unit, newly supported in NI-DCPOWER 20.7.
November 2020
- Added support for the PXIe-4139(40W) source measure unit, newly supported in NI-DCPower 20.5.
- Added support for multichannel session in the SMU/Power Supply panel, newly supported in NI-DCPower 20.6. Initializing an NI-DCPower session with independent channels allows you to use multiple instruments in the same session. With independent channels, you can configure multiple channels of the same instrument, or of multiple instruments independent of one another within the same session.
- Added support for monitoring merged channels in debug mode on the PXIe-4147. Merged channels are newly supported in NI-DCPower 20.6. Merging channels of an NI SMU allows you to use multiple channels in unison to increase the current you can source beyond the normal maximum for a single SMU channel.
2019 SP1
May 2020
- Added support for the PXIe-4147 source measure unit, newly supported in NI-DCPower 20.0.
September 2019
- Multiple NI-SCOPE devices of the same model can now be synchronized in the same oscilloscope panel.
- Added support for selecting trigger sources and events from other NI devices in your system.
- Added waveform graphing, pulse current, pulse voltage, voltage sequence, and current sequence modes to SMU panels, including automatic hardware synchronization across multiple devices.
- Added asymmetric limits and software-protected ranges to SMU/Power Supply panels.
- Added NI-DCPower SourceAdapt configuration to SMU panels, useful for transient measurements.
- Added channel views to hide idle channels, show power calculations, and condense channel views to the SMU/Power Supply panels.
- Added inductance and capacitance measurements along with open and short cable compensation to digital multimeter (DMM) panels.
- Added the ability to generate waveforms from binary files to the waveform generator panel.
- Added debugging and monitoring support to the waveform generator panel.
- Added exporting configuration files from the waveform generator panel for use with the NI-FGEN driver.
- Added capability to export device configurations to TestStand for use in test step configuration.
- Added ability to use pin maps created in Digital Pattern Editor to group devices and channels by site and use pin names for channel aliases.
2018 SP2
January 2019
- Added support for the PXIe-5163 oscilloscope, newly supported in NI-SCOPE 18.7.
- Added CSV file format for data capture.
- Added support for exporting instrument events to PXI chassis trigger lines.
- Added support for arbitrary waveform generation mode to the Waveform Generator panels.
- Added support for frequency list and sweep modes to the Waveform Generator panels.
- Added FFT channels, frequency markers, and FFT channel measurements to the Oscilloscope panels.
- Added additional 2-channel measurements to the Oscilloscope panels.
2018 SP1
September 2018
- Added support for the PXIe-5110, PXIe-5111, and PXIe-5113 oscilloscopes, newly supported in NI-SCOPE 18.6.
May 2018
- This was the initial release of InstrumentStudio.
In This Section
Related Information
- Download InstrumentStudio
- SCPI Instrument Panels
You can create instrument panels using SCPI-capable devices the same way you create instrument panels for native NI hardware. SCPI instrument panels do not include all of the capabilities present in native NI instruments. These panels are primarily intended to use as companions to third-party hardware, and can perform essential tasks like fetching data, screenshots, and SCPI configuration. Refer to the following sections for more information on adding SCPI instrument panels to your project.
- Measurement Plug-In User Manual
- Sequencer Tool
The sequencer tool enables you to perform a series of ordered tasks using instrument panels and measurement plug-ins. Automating using the sequencer tool can enable you to efficiently perform multi-step measurements, saving time and ensuring consistency.
- Connecting to a Plug-In Library
A plug-in library is an HTTP web API that contains services you use to take measurements. Plug-in libraries enable you to share and collaborate across teams. Complete the following steps to connect to a plug-in library.
- Remote RF Signal Analyzer Panel
This section describes how to add a remote RF Signal Analyzer to your project to use remote RFmx hardware.
- Managing Remote Connection Preferences
- SMU Measurement Autorange
When the range for a signal is unknown, using measurement autorange enables the signal range to be automatically determined.
- Enabling Preview Features
Preview features are new features in InstrumentStudio that support specific workflows. They are not release-quality features, and may have functionality gaps. They are only supported for specific uses. You must enable preview features in the InstrumentStudio settings menu to use them.
- Setting Sample Rate and Record Length Manually
By default, InstrumentStudio optimizes either the record length or sample rate of an oscilloscope when taking measurements. When the thumbnail preview is enabled with Data Display set to Live, InstrumentStudio limits the maximum record length to 1 million samples. When set to On demand, InstrumentStudio increases the maximum record length to 10 million samples. To configure larger records, use Manual Override mode. Enable Manual Override mode to manually configure both Sample rate and Record length settings for an oscilloscope.
- SMU/VPS Modes of Operation
- Analyzing RF Signals with an RF Signal Analyzer
Create an RF signal analyzer panel to monitor and configure RF signal analyzer settings in InstrumentStudio.
- Customizing Oscilloscope Measurements
You can use reference levels and gating to customize the measurements displayed in the measurement table. To customize these settings:
- Setting an Active Project Pin Map
Set an active pin map to filter your view of connected sites, pins, and devices within your test system in InstrumentStudio.
- Generating RF Signals with an RF Signal Generator
Create an RF signal generator panel to monitor and configure RF signal generator settings in InstrumentStudio.
- NI-DCPower Independent Channel Sessions
InstrumentStudio creates a single multi-channel session for all devices in a single SMU device by default.
- Configuring SourceAdapt Parameters to Measure Transients
- Performing Cable Compensation
Typically, you connect the digital multimeter (DMM) to a device under test with switches, fixtures, or cables. These switches and fixtures can introduce undesired errors into the measurement. Open and short cable compensation minimizes these measurement errors when taking capacitance or inductance measurements.
- Generating Waveforms with a Waveform Generator
Use a waveform generator to monitor and configure waveforms in InstrumentStudio.
- Exporting a Device Configuration
- Exporting Configurations to TestStand
Exporting configurations saves time when automating test sequences in TestStand. Once you configure your hardware in InstrumentStudio, you can export your configuration for use in TestStand sequences. You can export device and panel configurations to 64-bit TestStand 2019 or later. You can then use these configurations with LabVIEW, C#, C, or CVI automation code in a TestStand sequence.
- Pin Maps
Pin maps define test instruments and hardware, sites and pins connected to a DUT, and how the test instruments and hardware connect to DUT pins for each test site. InstrumentStudio preserves mappings created in TestStand Semiconductor Module (TSM) pin maps.
- Capturing Data
Using InstrumentStudio, you can capture data from an entire layout or a single panel. You can also take a screenshot without capturing data.
- Waveform Modes
You can generate a waveform using one of the following two modes:
- Adding FFT Channels and Markers
Use FFT channels with an oscilloscope to measure amplitude and frequency of a sample. You can also fetch more detailed measurements and search for peaks using markers.