Supplemental Documentation for FlexRIO Camera Interface Modules

PXIe-148X Programming Examples Explained

The programming examples included with your FlexRIO installation for FPD-Link™ and GMSL™ interface modules include extensive configuration options. Visit the related links to understand how to use these options to accomplish different objectives.

PXIe-148X encompasses the following modules:

  • PXIe-1486: PXIe, 8 Input, 8 Output, or 4 Input/4 Output PXI FlexRIO FPD-Link™ Interface Module
  • PXIe-1487: PXIe, 8 Input, 8 Output, or 4 Input/4 Output PXI FlexRIO GMSL™ Interface Module
  • PXIe-1488 PXIe, 8 Input, 8 Output, or 4 Input/4 Output PXI FlexRIO FPD-Link™ IV Interface Module
  • PXIe-1489: PXIe, 4 Input, 4 Output, or 2 Input/2 Output PXI FlexRIO GMSL™ 3 Interface Module

NI currently maintains these supplemental resources on its GitHub™.

Hover over the links below for a description of each article.