Calibrating the System with the RF System Calibration Assistant

Use the RF System Calibration Assistant to perform system-level calibration of your hardware for Pulse and PAE measurements.

Ensure each component of your test system has been independently calibrated before performing this procedure.
  1. Launch the executable from the start menu or from the following file path on your machine: C:\Program Files\National Instruments\RF System Calibration\RF System Calibration Assistant.exe.
  2. Click Start Calibration/Verification to begin calibration.
  3. When the Load Configuration dialog box opens, click Configure new calibration.
  4. Click the Resources tab and update the following controls in the Resources section.
    1. Change the resource type using the Power Meter Type drop-down menu. This causes the Power Meter Resource Name to automatically populate with the supported hardware for this type.
    2. Enable the Enable Power Meter Zero checkbox.
    3. Set the Signal Generator Type to NI5831 SG when using a PXIe-5831, or NIRFSG RF when using other hardware.
    4. Input the name of your signal generator as it appears in Measurement & Automation (MAX).
    5. Set the Signal Analyzer Type to NI5831 SA IQPOWER when using a PXIe-5831, or VST NIRFMX TXP when using other hardware.
    6. Input the name of your signal analyzer as it appears in MAX.
    7. Choose from the following options:
      • If you are using a VST, enable Self Calibrate Generator to calibrate both the hardware and the analyzer.
      • If you are not using a VST, enable Self Calibrate Generator and Self Calibrate Analyzer.
    8. Do not modify the External Path Resources section unless the external path resources are RF accessories such as amplifiers or switches that exist in the system's RF path.
    9. Update the RF SG System Calibration Data XML File Path and the RF SA System Calibration File Path fields to select where you want to save your calibration results.
    10. Click Next.
  5. Click the (De-)Embedding Resource tab and define any de-embedding resource. Leave this section blank if you are not using this feature.
  6. Click the Generator Paths tab to define the generator path(s) that will be calibrated.
    1. Enter a path in the Path Name input field.
      Note You must enter the Path Name first for other fields to autocomplete.
    2. Verify the source and destination port. Enter an alias in the Instrument Alias input field.
    3. If you are using a PXIe-5831, select the correct port in the SG Port column.
      Note If you are using a PXIe-5841, PXIe-5841 with PXIe-5655, or PXIe-5842, the SG Port column should not appear. However, if the SG Port column does appear, enter NA for the port.
    4. Click Next.
  7. Click the Generator Calibration Settings tab to define the generator calibration sweep settings.
    1. Configure the Frequencies (Hz) and Powers (dBm) controls.
      Do not specify more than one power. The PRFM API doesn't support loading a file containing multiple powers.
    2. Click Append. If nothing is added to the table, ensure that generator path names were added in the Generator Paths tab.
    3. Click Next.
  8. Click the Analyzer Paths tab to define the analyzer path(s) that will be calibrated.
    1. Enter a path in the Path Name input field.
      Note You must enter the Path Name first for other fields to autocomplete.
    2. Verify the source and destination port. Enter an alias in the Instrument Alias input field.
    3. Select an option from the Cal Tone Path Name drop-down menu.
    4. If you are using a PXIe-5831, select the correct port in the SA Port column.
      Note If you are using a PXIe-5841, PXIe-5841 with PXIe-5655, or , or PXIe-5842 the SA Port column should not appear. However, if the SA Port column does appear, input NA for the port.
    5. Click Next.
  9. Click the Analyzer Calibration Settings tab to define the analyzer's calibration sweep settings.
    1. Configure the Frequencies (Hz), Reference Level (dBm), and Cal Tone Power (dBm) controls.
    2. Click Append. If nothing is added to the table, ensure that analyzer path names were added in the Analyzer Paths tab.
      Note If using the Simulation mode, you must manually enter NA for the SA Path Name column in order for the simulation to function correctly.
    3. Click Next.
  10. Click Calibrate to begin the calibration you have defined.
  11. Click Yes in the window that appears if you want to save the calibration configurations.
  12. Once the calibration begins, follow the instructions in the user prompts.
  13. Once the calibration is complete, click File » Exit to close the RF System Calibration Assistant.