ECU Measurement and Calibration Toolkit C API Reference

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MC Double To

MC Double To


Converts a numerical value to a text string using an enumeration or range text type scaling.




string object name indicates the object (measurement or characteristic) for which the COMPU_VTAB scaling is performed. If no COMPU_VTAB scaling is available for the object, TextValue is just a string representation of the value specified in value.
long unsigned integer ECU ref in is the task reference that links to the selected ECU. This reference is originally returned from MC ECU or MC ECU, and then wired through subsequent VIs.
long unsigned integer object type is a U32 ring that indicates the type of the object named in object name. Valid values are:
1 Measurement Name
2 Characteristic Name
double-precision, floating-point value is the numerical value to be converted. For example, this could have been returned from MC Characteristic or MC Measurement
cluster Error in is a cluster which describes error conditions occurring before the VI executes. If an error has already occurred, the VI returns the value of the error in cluster to error out.
boolean status is TRUE if an error occurred. This VI is not executed when status is TRUE.
long unsigned integer code is the error code number identifying an error. A value of 0 means success. A negative value means error: VI did not execute the intended operation. A positive value means warning: VI executed intended operation, but an informational warning is returned. For a description of the code, wire the error cluster to a LabVIEW error-handling VI, such as the Simple Error Handler.
string source identifies the VI where the error occurred.


long unsigned integer ECU ref out is the same as ECU ref in. Wire the task reference to subsequent VIs for this task.
string TextValue is the resulting converted text string. If the value specified is listed in a COMPU_VTAB scaling for the characteristic or measurement specified in object name, the respective text is returned. If no such value is available, a string representation of the double value is returned.
cluster Error out describes error conditions. If the Error in cluster indicated an error, the Error out cluster contains the same information. Otherwise, Error out describes the error status of this VI.
boolean status is TRUE if an error occurred.
long signed integer code is the error code number identifying an error. A value of 0 means success. A negative value means error: VI did not execute the intended operation. A positive value means warning: VI executed intended operation, but an informational warning is returned. For a description of the code, wire the error cluster to a LabVIEW error-handling VI, such as the Simple Error Handler.
string source identifies the VI where the error occurred.


MC Double To performs text conversion for measurement or characteristic values.

Especially if the measurement or characteristic has an associated enumeration or range text type scaling, the textual representation of the value is returned. If no such value is present, either because the object does not have a text scaling or the value does not have a textual representation in the table, a string representation of the double value is returned.

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