Exit Statement
- Updated2024-09-12
- 1 minute(s) read
VBScript Language Directory > Exit Statement
Exit Statement
Use the Exit statement to abort a loop or a procedure. You can define as many Exit statements as you like anywhere in a loop or in a procedure.
When you abort a For..Next, For..Each..Next, Do While..Loop, or Do..Loop Until loop, the script continues the execution with the statement that follows Next or Loop. When you abort a Function, Sub or Property procedure, the script continues the execution with the statement that follows the call of that procedure.
Exit For
Exit Do
Exit Function
Exit Sub
Exit Property
The following example shows how you can abort a loop:
Dim i, MyVal MyVal = CInt(InputBox("Please enter a value (0-1000)")) For i = 1 to 1000 If i = MyVal Then Call MsgBox("Value = " & i) Exit For End If Next
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