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Property: Tooltip for ActionObjPopup

Property: Tooltip for ActionObjPopup

Specifies the tooltip for a bar element. If you idle the mouse on a bar element, the tooltip appears.

Object with this property
Object.TooltipString with read and write access

The following example adds a button to the DIAdem SCRIPT group bar. The button opens the subbar ANAMain. The example assigns a graphic and a tooltip to the button.



Dim oMyActionObj
If not (BarManager.ActionObjs.Exists("MyPopup")) Then
  Set oMyActionObj = BarManager.ActionObjs.Add("MyPopup", "CustomPopUp") 
  oMyActionObj.Picture = "favicon.ico"
  oMyActionObj.Tooltip = "Opens ANAMain"
  oMyActionObj.BarID   = "ANAMain"
End If
Call BarManager.Bars("SCRGroup").UsedActionObjs.Add(oMyActionObj)
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