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Property: Count for UsedActionObjs

Property: Count for UsedActionObjs

Returns the number of references to ActionObj objects in a bar.

Note  If a bar contains several consecutive separating lines, DIAdem displays only one separating line. If this is the case, the number of visible bar elements does not correspond with the number of bar elements contained in the Count property.
Object with this property
Object.CountLongInteger with read access

The following example displays the name of the first bar and all the bar elements the bar contains:



Dim i, oMyBarElements, MyString
Set oMyBarElements = BarManager.Bars(1).UsedActionObjs
For i = 1 to oMyBarElements.Count
  MyString = MyString & oMyBarElements(i).ID & vbCRLF
Call MsgBoxDisp("Bar: " & BarManager.Bars(1).ID & vbCRLF & MyString)
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