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Property: ActionObjPictureWidth for Bar

Property: ActionObjPictureWidth for Bar

Specifies the width of the graphics that DIAdem displays on the elements of a bar, in pixels. This way, the property ensures the uniform appearance of the bar.
The specifications ActionObjPictureWidth and ActionObjPictureHeight refer to a screen resolution of 96 DPI. With other screen resolutions, DIAdem either scales the graphic or uses a matching symbol size from the ICO file. For example, if the resolution is 44 DPI, DIAdem scales the graphic by 150% or uses a 24 pixel-sized symbol, if that is available in the ICO file, for 16 pixel-sized specifications.

Object with this property
Object.ActionObjPictureWidthLongInteger with read and write access

The following example generates the new bar MyBar, unless the bar already exists, and specifies the height and width of the graphics that are displayed on the bar:



Dim sgBarId
sgBarId = "MyBar"
If (not BarManager.Bars.Exists(sgBarId)) Then
  Call BarManager.Bars.Add(sgBarId)
  BarManager.Bars(sgBarId).ActionObjPictureWidth = 16
  BarManager.Bars(sgBarId).ActionObjPictureHeight = 16
End If
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