Collection: UsedActionObjs
- Updated2024-09-12
- 3 minute(s) read
(Bar | Collections) > Collection: UsedActionObjs
Collection: UsedActionObjs
Collection of all elements used in a bar. The elements that a bar contains are references to elements of the ActionObj collection. When you access a UsedActionObjs collection you receive the element of the ActionObjs collection.
To access an individual bar element in a script, use the Item method, or enter the index or the name in parentheses.
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Note If you press <Shift-Ctrl> and idle the cursor on a bar element, DIAdem displays a tooltip with the name of the bar, the name of the bar element, and the name of the base object, which is called the base type. DIAdem also copies this information, separated by a space, to the clipboard. |
The following example generates the bar element MyButton if this bar element does not already exist and adds this element to the DIAdem SCRIPT toolbar:
VBScript | Python |
Dim oMyActionObj If BarManager.ActionObjs.Exists("MyButton") Then Set oMyActionObj = BarManager.ActionObjs("MyButton") Else Set oMyActionObj = BarManager.ActionObjs.Add("MyButton","CustomButton") oMyActionObj.Tooltip = "MyButton" oMyActionObj.OnClickCode.Code = "Call MsgBoxDisp(""Hello"")" oMyActionObj.Picture = "favicon.ico" End If BarManager.Bars("SCRMain").UsedActionObjs.Add(oMyActionObj)
The following example deletes the button that opens the SCRIPT panel, from the panel bar:
VBScript | Python |
Call BarManager.Bars("DIAPanels").UsedActionObjs.Remove("DIAPanelSCRIPT")
The following example generates a button with sub buttons and a separator:
VBScript | Python |
Dim oMyBar If not BarManager.Bars.Exists("MyBar") Then Set oMyBar = BarManager.Bars.Add("MyBar") Else Set oMyBar = BarManager.Bars("MyBar") Call oMyBar.UsedActionObjs.RemoveAll End If Call CreateActionButton("MyButton_1","expl_star_yellow_add.ico","Starts User Command", "Call MsgBoxDisp(""User Function"")",oMyBar) Call oMyBar.UsedActionObjs.Add("Separator") Call CreateActionButton("MyButton_2","expl_star_yellow_delete.ico","Deletes Bar", "Call BarManager.Reset",oMyBar) Call CreateActionPopupObj("MyPopup", "expl_star_yellow.ico", "Example-Bar", oMyBar, "SCRGroup") Sub CreateActionButton(sID, sIconName, sToolTip, sCommand, ByRef oBar) Dim oButtonObj, sUniqueButton_ID sUniqueButton_ID = sID If (BarManager.ActionObjs.Exists(sUniqueButton_ID)) Then Set oButtonObj = BarManager.ActionObjs(sUniqueButton_ID) Else Set oButtonObj = BarManager.ActionObjs.Add(sUniqueButton_ID, "CustomButton") oButtonObj.Picture = sIconName oButtonObj.Tooltip = sToolTip oButtonObj.OnClickCode.Code = sCommand end if oBar.UsedActionObjs.Add(oButtonObj) End Sub Sub CreateActionPopupObj(sIDName, sIconName, sToolTip, oActionBar, sActionGroup) ' New ActionObject dim oExampleAction, sExampleMain_ID sExampleMain_ID = sIDName If (BarManager.ActionObjs.Exists(sExampleMain_ID)) Then Set oExampleAction = BarManager.ActionObjs(sExampleMain_ID) Else Set oExampleAction = BarManager.ActionObjs.Add(sExampleMain_ID, "CustomPopup") oExampleAction.Picture = sIconName oExampleAction.Tooltip = sToolTip oExampleAction.BarID = oActionBar.ID End If If not BarManager.Bars(sActionGroup).UsedActionObjs.Exists(oExampleAction) Then Call BarManager.Bars(sActionGroup).UsedActionObjs.Add(oExampleAction) End If End Sub