Object: CheckBox
- Updated2024-09-12
- 2 minute(s) read
(Controls | Controls | Dialog Box) > Object: CheckBox
Object: CheckBox
The CheckBox object corresponds to the CheckBox control in a user dialog box. You use the CheckBox object to describe a checkbox that is to be displayed in a dialog box. The control status can be unchecked, checked, or indeterminate. Use the Shape property to select various display modes for the control.
The following example displays a black tick for the CheckBox1 checkbox:
CheckBox1.Value = 1 '0=Unchecked, 1=Checked, 2=Indeterminate
AlignTextLeft | BackColor | Bottom | CursorPointer | Enable | Font | ForeColor | Height | InterpretedText | Left | ObjectCode | ObjectType | Picture | PictureOffState | Right | TabStop | Tag | Text | ToolTipText | Top | Value | ValueExt | Visible | Width
Properties Only Available on the Properties Tab
Flex | Indentation | InterpretedTextEnabled | Layer | OwnerDrawn | PictureAlign | Shape | TriState | Variable | VariableColIndex | VariableRowIndex
LayerName | Move | Refresh | RefreshText | RefreshValue | RunChange | RunCustomAction | RunInitialize | SetFocus
EventChange | EventCustomAction | EventDblClick | EventInitialize | EventLostFocus | EventMouseDown | EventMouseMove | EventMouseUp | EventRefresh
Returned From
Controls.Item | Dialog <NonModal>.GetControl | Dialog.GetControl
See Also
Checking a User Dialog Box Entry | Creating a Dynamic User Dialog Box | Creating a Procedure in the Script of a User Dialog Box | Creating a User Dialog Box without Linking Variables | Creating an Extended Table | Displaying Graphics in Selection Lists | Enabling Controls | Responding to User Entries in User Dialog Boxes | Saving and Restoring the Last Dialog Box Position | Saving Control Groups for User Dialog Boxes | Specifying the Default Button | Tabulator Order in a User Dialog Box | Using a Script to Fill a Selection List | Using Channel Selection Lists | Using Hotkeys in a User Dialog Box | Using the Flex Properties
Checking Dialog Box Entries | Dynamic User Dialog Box | Translating User Dialog Boxes | User Dialog Box for Entering Text and Numbers | User Dialog Box for Sequence Control | User Dialog Box in DIAdem VIEW | User Dialog Box in VIEW for the Calculation of the FFT and Harmonic Frequencies | User Dialog Box with Changing Background Color | User Dialog Box with Curve Preview and Slider Control | User Dialog Box with Extended Table | User Dialog Box with Internet Explorer | User Dialog Box with Scalable Table | User Dialog Box with Selection Lists | User Dialog Box with Selection Lists | User Dialog Box with Subdialog Boxes | User Dialog Box with Tables | User Dialog Box with Tree | Wizard for Tolerance Evaluation