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Event: EventContextMenuPointSelected for XTable

Event: EventContextMenuPointSelected for XTable

Is triggered in user dialog box when an item from the context menu is selected.

EventContextMenuPointSelected(ByRef This, Row, Col, MenuPoint)
This Object that triggers this event.
Row Specifies the column number of the cell.
Col Specifies the row number of the cell.
MenuPoint Specifies the MenuPoint object containing the selected context menu item.

The following example shows the functionality of a context menu in an extended table. If you right-click a cell, the example creates a context menu and displays the selected entry of the context menu.

Sub XTable1_EventContextMenuPointSelected(ByRef This, Row, Col, MenuPoint)
    Call MsgBox("Row: " & Row & "; Column: " & Col & VBCrLf & "Menu entry: " & MenuPoint.Text)
End Sub

Sub XTable1_EventContextMenuShowing(ByRef This, Row, Col, MenuPoints)
  Call MenuPoints.Add("Menu 1",1)
  Call MenuPoints.Add("Menu 2",2)
End Sub
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