Collection: Units
- Updated2024-09-12
- 1 minute(s) read
(Collections | Quantity) > Collection: Units
Collection: Units
The Units collection provides all the units of a physical quantity from the units catalog.
The following example displays the names of all the units of the physical quantity length:
VBScript | Python |
Dim oMyUnit, sOutput For Each oMyUnit In UnitCatalog.Quantities("length").Units sOutput = sOutput & oMyUnit.Name &VbCrLf Next Call MsgBoxdisp (sOutput)
See Also
Adding an Unknown Unit Symbol to the Units Catalog | Converting Channel Units in DIAdem ANALYSIS | Converting Channel Units with a Script | Converting Channels According to a Unit Set | Creating a New Unit Set | Creating a Physical Quantity in the Units Catalog | Extending the Units Catalog with a Script | Replacing and Converting Channel Units in the Input Help