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Method: CreateTextFile for Folder

Method: CreateTextFile for Folder

Creates a file in a folder and returns the associated TextStream object.

Set oTextStream = Object.CreateTextFile(FileName, [Overwrite], [Unicode])
Object with this method
Specifies the filename.
Specifies whether DIAdem overwrites an existing file. If the value is True, DIAdem overwrites an existing file. If the value is False, DIAdem does not overwrite an existing file. The default value is False.
Specifies whether DIAdem creates a Unicode or an ASCII file. If the value is True, DIAdem creates a Unicode file. If the value is False, DIAdem creates an ASCII file. The default value is False.
Returned object

The following example creates a text file, writes a text into this file, and then closes the file:

Sub CreateMyTxtFile(sFolder,sFile,sText)
  Dim fso, oMyFolder, oMyFile
  Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  Set oMyFolder = fso.GetFolder(sFolder)
  Set oMyFile = oMyFolder.CreateTextFile(sFile, True)
  Call oMyFile.WriteLine(sText)
  Call oMyFile.Close
End Sub

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Objects Overview

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