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Object: Property <Data>

Object: Property <Data>

The Property object provides a property for the Root object, for the ChannelGroup object, or for the Channel object in the script interface for internal data. This property is either a DIAdem base property or a custom property. The Property object is an element of the Properties or PropertyList collection.

Note  Refer to Properties in DIAdem - Overview for information about properties of files, groups, and channels.

The following example searches for the MyOffset channel property in all the channels of the first channel group and doubles the value of the property:



Dim oMyChn, oMyProp
For Each oMyChn in Data.Root.ChannelGroups(1).Channels
  For Each oMyProp in oMyChn.Properties
    If oMyProp.Name = "MyOffset" Then
      oMyProp.Value = oMyProp.Value * 2
    End If
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