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Analysis of Two Electric-Powered Race Cars

Analysis of Two Electric-Powered Race Cars

This example shows the evaluation of two test drives of race cars with electric engines. The racing cars were designed and built by TUfast e.V.. The example shows the route and the position of the two cars in a VIEW layout. The example plays the videos recorded by the cameras mounted on the vehicles synchronal to the data. The paths to the videos are contained in video channels .

The example also shows in a REPORT layout various data analyses such as speed, acceleration, and the accelerator and brake pedal travel as a function of the position. Additionally, it visualizes the load on the springs and wheel suspensions.

Start example

Click a filename to load this file into DIAdem.

CAR_Race.vbs Script file
CAR_Race.py Python script file
CAR_Race.tdm Data file
CAR_Race.tdv Layout file
CAR_Race.tdr Layout file
CAR_Race_CAR.png Graphics file
CAR_Race_Driver_A.wmv Video file
CAR_Race_Driver_B.wmv Video file
Note When this example starts, DIAdem loads example files and overwrites existing data and layouts.


Configuring a Map Display | Configuring a Text Box Display | Deleting Curve Sections and Interpolating over Specified Points | Displaying 2D Axis Systems with Several Y-Axes | Displaying Images in DIAdem VIEW | Displaying Properties in the Legend of a Curve | Displaying the Curve Coordinates | Displaying Videos and Data Synchronously | Finding Values in Channel Tables | Interpolating Curve Points | Setting the Leading Curve | Transferring VIEW Layouts to DIAdem REPORT | Viewing Data as Curves | Zooming and Scrolling Curve Areas

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